Chapter 3 part 1

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(A/N:Ugh fuk it I am just going to turn this in to a story with no plot maybe with some one shots in it but idk,I don't own anything only the story and the beginning of the animatic has warnings o an the animatic is by Truman Zanotto and I am know rich's squip is not dat Boi I think It was evil Kermit but I was lazy to change it so ya on to the story)
Nobody pov
Michael was sitting in their basement with Jeremy Heere their best friend since 12 years they were watching Yuri! On Ice on the flat screen (idk I just felt like adding a flat screen to the basement).While Both Teens were watching the animoo Jeremy got a text from his dad saying he had to come home.He hoped to see Michael at school in the morning.So Jeremy hugged Michael and left.
Michael pov
As Jeremy left both my Parents came home drunk like there is no tomorrow.I hated when my parents came home drunk they would beat me and say homophobic slurs.Will my dad would my mom would just passes out on the couch.After my parents pass out I clean my wounds and clean the blood up Off the floor but my parents don't remember what happened at all.Jeremy's parents will his dad was a mild drinker I think but I am not sure.I would go to school with bruises but nobody notices not even Jeremy because he talks about Christine actually the only two that noticed was Rich and Jake thank the lord for them two.
Rich pov
The first day I noticed Antisocial headphones kid's cuts and bruises was when I told Tall-ass about a squip so did Jake.Dat Boi my squip told me to go be nice to Markael or Michael I don't know Anitsocial headphones kids name so me,Jake got closer to Michael until that one day while Me and Jake were at Michael's house at like midnight their parents came home drunk.Michael told us to hide somewhere.So I hid under Michael's bed and Jake hid in their closet.Michael just acted like he was asleep as I was about to get out of the spot I was hiding at I heard Michael's door open with a slam against the wall."Hey waste of space did you cut a vain yet or did you fail at that too like you failed me and your mom",I heard their dad say to Michael.I could hear Michael crying at what he said.After 10 long painful minutes Michael's dad finally left not knowing that there was witnesses to what he did.
Jake pov
What the fuk me and Rich made eye contact with each other until we knew it was safe.I was the first to come out of hiding then Rich.We went to hug Michael since Rich was the shortest one Heere he sat on Michael's lap and I sat behind Michael an that is how we hugged them.(I will cry if someone actually made the that sentence into fan art)After we knew Michael fell asleep we cleaned Michael up an put bandaged where there were cuts we cleaned the floor and stayed by Michael side all night.(Times skip to morning brought to you by THE FOREHEAD CULT FUKERS and short angry bean aka: Rich)when I woke Rich an Michael were holding each other like bear cubs a knock on the door scared me out of my thought I got up to check who it was and to my surprise it was Jeremy.
Jeremy pov
I went to Michael because he was my ride to school the one who opened the door was Jake."Hey Jake what are you doing at Michael's this morning," I ask with confusion.Jake had a look that he will regret it if he told me what happened."Oh Me,Rich, and Michael had a school project to finish,"He replied to me.I wasn't going to put him any further so he let me in Michael's room once I walked in I saw Michael and Rich holding each other so I took a picture then I stole Jake phones an took the same picture.Me and Jake were talking until Rich woke up with this cute look in his eyes.(A/N:Jake,Rich,Michael, and Jeremy skipped school just thought I tell y'all.)Jake opened his arms Rich to come cuddle with him.I took a picture of this cute moment Me and Jake just when back to talking.I heard wimping from Michael's bed.Shit Michael was having a Nightmare.Jake know what I was thinking so he handed me Rich and got up and grabbed Michael with out no problems.Wow Michael is so heavy or I'm weak but not the point right now Michael was holding Jake like his life depended on it.In a instead Rich woke up like a dog would when they hear their name and told Jake to handed Michael to him.While all this is happening I was just sitting there with a confused look.
Jake pov
Once I heard the wimping I handed Rich to Jeremy and I went to grab Michael practically I went into dad mode at that moment as I sat back down Rich woke up instantly went into dad mode also.As Me and Rich was in dad mode Jeremy was confused at what was happening in front of him.Michael started to wimping Jeremy's name in his sleep.(A/N:I am going to make this a two or three parter but I hope u like this but when Truman post this Animatic I wanted to write a story about it so ya I know I wasn't inspired but I am a little now but fully so ya bye fam.)

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