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A poem or short story by Daniel Bailey (aka) the Danman258


      Men have been studying God's word for centuries, and have not come close to God's plan. They fail simply because they don't understand that God does not kill, torture, or suffer anyone or anything. Men can't believe that.

    So let me help you see God's word spoken. First do not look at the words as something is going to hurt someone. Don't look at a big battle coming. And understand that there has never been a famine in the land. If food is not growing in one area, check the other. God's earth will supply. Famine is just another word for selfishness.

    God's revelations have already started: open your eyes and you will see. Doctors today are seeing that people who hate and carry anger are living shorter lives. People who steal and cheat from others the same comes back to them. And men, who can't love their fellow man, are left alone to die in anger.

    Men are starting to see that the price of murder is far more then jail time. It's the trying to live with sin for sin kills the mind body and spirit. Sin will cause a man to kill himself. And men who kill for war are starting to see the inter damage as he tries to justify for a longer life.

    Governments that reign through keeping their people poor in spirit and choice less will try to make change. Men will start to build their own havens. That's the serpent, and you will see people living longer but living lies. There is no truth on earth, learn to believe that, for any man who says that God is going to burn you or put you in a place away from him does not know God. For anytime you read the bible and you see that something bad happened. It was man not God.

    Man will not face that what the bible says is the snake or serpent always represented man’s lying tongue and the war it speaks of, are men’s last lie before all will see the truth.  

     I am around a lot of people who are 90 years young and up, and they are some of the sweetest people you will ever see. One of the younger man who is 77 years young looks like he’s 25 years old with no grey hair and the smoothest skin. I met him trying to help an old mean lady who kept telling me to get her bags. I didn’t know who she was, but I helped her anyway and she couldn’t find the lady that brought her.  So determine to help I walked around calling out the name the old lady gave me.  For 30 minutes I did this and then this man came to me and said he would take over and help her.

    I said well young man since you are young and the young should help the old I’m going to take your offer. He then said well sir I’m probably  older than you and I stopped and said no, no, no sir I’m 56 and he laugh and said well I’m 77 and I said prove it. And he did and I’m seeing this more and more each day. All men will fall down when God is reviled and men will tell more lies and they will die from their harden spirits, not from God who came before as a voice, a bush, a man, and lastly as himself the word. Don’t believe the lie. God has never kill a man, or made a man’s life shorter, or told him something he did not do. He never asked anyone to kill for him, or lie for him. He simply said put no man before him and love thy brother and by doing those two things the other eight will come. Let the healing begin.   

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