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(Both in year 3| house: Slytherin)

   It's currently during a Quidditch match and I'm a chaser for the Slytherin team. We are in a match against Hufflepuff, and we are winning 70-30! I'm currently flying towards the goal post, dodging other players, once I get close enough I throw the Quaffle into the goal post, I score. As I fly back around to try and steal the Quaffle I hear "watch out Y/N!" next thing you know your hit by a buldger and are falling towards the ground. The last thing I know is that I'm caught and someone a male voice says, "hang in there Y/N."

    I wake up in the Hospital Wing, and I see Draco Malfoy and the other members of the Quidditch team surrounding me. "What happened? The last thing I remember is being hit by a buldger and falling towards the ground."  Marcus Flint speaks up and says "Draco caught you and brought you here". "Draco? Thank you for saving me" I say. "No problem, may I speak to you for a minute?" He says looking at you."Yes, you guys can go", I say looking at the team. Once they left it was only Draco and I in the room.  "I just wanna thank you again, Draco, you really saved me." I say giving him a hug. "Y/N, I have something to tell you." He says. "Go ahead" you reply.

"Ever since I saw you get sorted into Slytherin I knew you were different. All the times I saw you laughing with your friends or studying for tests, I was fascinated by your beauty and your personality. In second year I developed feelings for you when you joined the Quidditch team, and I was nervous that if I said anything to you I would screw up, so I ignored you. Once third year started I saw you were even more beautiful, if that was possible. I was head over heals for you. Y/N I'm not sure if you feel the same, but if you do then, would you be my beautiful, smart and talented girlfriend?"

By this point I was in tears, I never knew this side of Draco. "That was beautiful Draco, and yes I will be your girlfriend!" You both lean in and share a passionate kiss.

Maybe it was good that I fell off my broom....

400 words

Hello, I'm not sure if my readers like Harry Potter, but I guess if you read this book you do. Remember to show feedback by voting and commenting. Let me know in the comments if I should do requests. Thanks guys, love you!

Question of the day: which house are you in? (comment answer below)

A: I'm a Ravenclaw

- Emily💙

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