Interlude 1

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You woke up with a jolt at the sound of your alarm. The pain blooming in your head reminded you of how little sleep you had gotten. You usually loved sleep, but last night was a whole different story as falling asleep meant that more time had passed between your meeting with Lisa. After turning off your alarm you slowly sat up and rose out of your toasty warm blankets. Every morning you had the same feeling of regret when rising out of the warmth but every morning you reminded yourself that if you wanted to stay warm every night, you had to get that moola.
Drawings littered the small studio you made a living out of, Lord knows how.
You made your way over to the chair and sank into it's welcoming cushioning, now you had to remember what you were doing yesterday. Usually this small feat wasn't a trouble at all but the image of Lisa in your mind was too strong to do anything so you came up with a solution, you decided to draw Lisa instead of figuring out what you had to do. This detour was definitely a way of procrastinating the boring requests you got from schools and businesses to Photoshop their dull signage but you chose to ignore that.
With a deep breath you began, the drawings started off sketchy, with unproportioned features, but as you got more and more used to the lines that formed her face, the drawings became more streamlined and elegant. You started experimenting with colours, getting lost in your work as the minutes ticked by, until eventually those minutes formed hours.
Time seemed to slip through your fingers as calming music played in the background. You drew her with colour, vibrant and beautiful and with none, either way she was gorgeous. You couldn't get her off your mind.
As your phone rang, you realised with a heavy heart how much time and money you had wasted.
'Oh well' you thought to yourself, 'at least I didn't pass out from boredom'.
You picked up your phone and looked to see who was ringing. It was your friend, Eliza.
Eliza had been your best friend since highschool and is the nicest person you know. She was always interested in what you had to say. She was a rock in your life, keeping you steady.
'Hey (y/n) I was wondering if you're doing anything today?' she queried.  You smiled, known where this was going 'And by today I guess you mean right now huh'.
You heard her smile as she replied 'How did you know?'
'I'll meet you at the cafe in 10?' you asked.
'Sounds good to me, see you in q bit.'
You hung up and got out of your pyjamas into the same thing you wore yesterday, you imagined that it still smelt like vanilla.
As you headed downstairs you wondered if you would ever see her again. The very thought of it made your heart beat three times faster. You hoped next time you wouldn't make such a fool of yourself. You also wondered what the phone call had been about and why she had been at the corner store, but these were mysteries you would likely never find out.
As you walked made your way towards the cafe, the sun beating down madeyou regret your choice of outfit. You were wearing a plain white shirt underneath and you were worried that if you took it off, you would have sweat marks so you suffered through the heat.
Reaching the cafe, you saw that Eliza was already waiting for her inside and you become excited at the prospect of telling her the events of last night.
You entered the slightly stuffy smelling cafe, ordered your favourite drink and seated yourself across from your friend.
As you conversed, the rest of the cafe seemed to fade in to the background. 
You talked about everything from skin products to the latest events in her life, you didn't really talk about yours as nothing really ever happened.
You somehow got on to the topic of Blackpink and prepared yourself to tell her about your surprise meeting.
'I met Lisa last night's you finally said.
'You what?' She responded, bemused.
'I went to the cornerstore to buy chocolate and she was there, she said hi to me and I made a really stupid face accidentally because I was so nervous'. You said this all in one breath, while Eliza looked at you as if you had grown an extra head.
'That's wacky! I wish stuff like that happened to me, wait isn't she your bias?'
'Yeah I totally freaked out-she's even more gorgeous in person's This last sentence came out extremely loud, and it made you glad that the dingy cafe was barely inhabited.
You told her every miniscule detail of your encounter and she hung on to every word, rapt.

You exited the cafe at around 4 and said your goodbyes to Eliza. As you were walking home you saw familiar hair, and your heart leapt out of your chest, you froze, not knowing what to do when the figure turned around and you realised it was not in fact Lisa. With a demure expression, you stopped by the corner store on your way home to pick up some groceries.
As you entered you saw that familiar hair again, but you assumed it belonged to the same person that had fooled you before, so you continued on your way, slowly making your way down the brightly lit aisle.

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