Karakura town

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Mira was in her science class wean she started to fell sick " Mr Simmons I don't feel good "she told the teacher " well don't get sick in here " coldly said " go to the ytp office " he added. " uh ? Ok but I can't go alone do to my medical and you know that" she said " will you go and i'll watch then" He implied ."ok..? " she question leaving class " Ms Summer can you call my mom I don't feel well " she told the women behind the desk "ok what wrong " she asked picking up the phone " well I got a bad headache and the heat in my class was making me sick I don't think the cooler was working " Mira said as the called her mom " can lay on the couch wall you wait if you want" Summer said , Mira layed down on the couch for he mom to come and ended up nodding off with a book over her head. ~

Wean Mira woke up she wasn't in school or anywhere around, she walked around the streets wean she got grab by a hallows "Hyourinmaru sit upon the frozen havens " she heard . " you stupid little kid what the hell do think you were doing running in front of a hallows like that " turned around and yelled " I-I don't and I'm Not A little kid .." she paused " I think I'm lost last I remember i was at school waiting for my mom to pick me up" Mira said . " I see you got a name" grabbing her hand tugging her as he walked "Mira and your name " she asked " Toshrio hitsugaya, caption hitsugaya to be preside " he said not looking back " shrio san were we going " she asked making Toshrio stop " Huh 1 don't ever call me that again and 2 Kurosaki house I'm sure he has a phone so you can call your mom" Toshrio said .

~Ichigo house

Toshrio went to knock on the door wean he hear yelling " what the hell Ruika worn someone wean your coming out of the closet " Ichigo yelled " well I just got back form the soull society " she yelled . " Kurosaki open the door" Toshrio yelled knocking , "Toshrio what are you doing here " Ichigo asked " that's caption hitsugaya to you " he said Ichirgo rolled his eyes " whatever why are you here " he asked again " the kid need to use your phone" Toshrio said , " hey I told shrio san I'm not a kid ,I'm 15 thank you vary much" she stubbornly said " oh really because you look like your twelve " Rukia said ,Mira go visibility upset " well I'm not and just want to go home and see if my mom and sister are ok or not" she yelled . Ichigo wave her down with both his hands " clam down phones over their rukia will show you" he said

Time skip

" so Toshrio is she your girlfriend or something " Ichigo asked , " what no she just a kid I saved form a hallows today " Toshrio said ichigo looked at him " and you brought her here did she see you or something " Ichigo asked , " well yea and that she was a idiot running if front of the hallow in the frist place so if left her alone she probably do something else stupid " he said " I think she heard you Toshrio " Ichigo said " that's caption hitsugaya to you" he corrected Ichiro before faceplaming hisself " sorry didn't mean for you to hear that" he said "humf ? " Mira barely payed attsion to the guys " maybe she didn't hear you " Ichigo said " no I heard I just don't care really coz couldn't get ahold of anyone " she said sitting down " well then if that the case and you have no were to go you can stay at Inoue place Toshrio and his Lt rangiku are stay their to" Ichigo said " Kurosaki ! " Toshrio said " what you were the one who found and saved her so she should be your responsibly " rukia said

Trapped in bleach ( writer x Toshrio)Where stories live. Discover now