Chapter 34: Back

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It's been about two months since the fall of SHIELD. I, along with Agent Hill and Director Fury, have been meeting occasionally to figure out how to rebuild the agency. We've made plans for new facilities, but needed the proper funding to do so.

We've begun to build one in upstate New York, with the help of Tony, of course. He had the money and also pitied us. His only condition was that it would be the Avengers' new facility. He popped in sporadically to input his own ideas and argue with Fury and Hill about their visions for the future.

Clint, who I have been in contact with, remained at his homestead in the country side somewhere. He didn't want to get involved just yet because he was trying to enjoy his time with his family. I understood completely, and was a bit envious of him for being able to sit this one out.

Nat was somewhere in the world, most likely in Europe. The last I saw her was two weeks ago. We were in Italy, calling it a pizza break. She was still on her lone wolf self discovery trip, and I missed her dearly.

My visit was only for a couple of days, and we went around Naples. I caught up with her, and even offered to accompany her for the rest of her trip, but she declined. She still insisted on being alone.

"Don't take it personal, Ky," Nat frowned, placing over her hand on mine.

"I am taking it personal. My two best friends are doing their own thing and my boyfriend is on a bro trip to find the third bro!" I complained loudly.

"You have Tony," she reminded me, though her tone was questionable.

"Yeah, okay. But, that man is gone for most of the time too! It's only me in that damn apartment. I'm lonely."

She took a bite of her pizza and pointed the bitten end at me. "What about your dog?"

I recalled the promises of adopting a pet. The corners of my already-present frown tugged down even further, making it look almost comical.

"We didn't get one yet."

My best friend let out an exaggerated gasp and placed her palm on her chest, saying, "You've wanted one for forever!"

"I know, I know! But it's just not the right time. With SHIELD rebuilding and gathering Hydra intel," I trailed off.

"How is that going by the way?"

"It's a disaster," I deadpanned. "We are talking new recruitments, new facilities, everything new. Even new outfits."

"Who's doing that?"


"Yikes," she muttered, scratching her head. The thought of Tony and his egotistical self designing uniforms for us sent a shudder through me. I imagined the design as some watered down version of his Iron Man suits with the signature red and gold. Or some type of Tony Stark branding in every available area. "How about the Bucky search?"

I rolled my eyes at the mention of the person who had all of my boyfriend's attention instead of me.

"Dead end, or so I've been told. They had a lead in Belgium but they only found an empty abandoned warehouse with a mattress and cans of food."

"I'm sure they'll find him. Without Hydra to control his mind, he's definitely going back to his original self."

"I'm not even mad that he almost killed Steve! I'm mad that for the past month and a half, I haven't been able to see my own boyfriend. All his attention is on Bucky and I had almost none!"

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