8.. Dev's Unease And Abhi's Ardour

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While Sona voices from behind.. Wow.. so you two are going to my home.. That's good to hear, actually I had promised Bulbul to help her with her wedding plans.. Can I please join you two..!?..

But, at this time..!.. Pragya asks looking at her wrist watch and Sona says.. Actually your friend Bulbul nah.. my lovely Sister.. She ordered me to be at home by 11.. I had to come here for regular checkups and also to monitor this girl.. My work is over for today and I have already asked for permission..

Pragya with a wide smile replies.. That's okay.. You can join us.. Once she completes, she felt Dev' grip over her shoulder and she turns facing him who was irking his eyes at her..

Pragya pleads him saying softly.. Please nah Dev.. I just asked her to join us.. It will be awkward if you refuse now.. With no other option, he nods and says, we are getting late, let's go..

That's so nice of you Mr. Dixit.. Sona says with a smile and Dev turns walking with after giving her a frustrating sight..

Sona felt his rudeness while Pragya managed saying.. he is tensed because of his hectic work pressure.. But he is very nice, once you get aware of him.. He is very protective towards me.. and that's why I don't miss my father.. as Dev is there with me like him.. Pragya said with utmost love and care..

Sona liked their care on each other and excused saying she will be at entrance after taking her bag from cabin.. And asked to move ahead and wait for her..

As soon as she left.. Pragya walked along with Dev who was busy on his mobile... Is that you Dev..!?.. Pragya asks... And Dev looked at her saying.. I know what you are going to say di..

First listen to me.. it was me who said that I will drop you there, but at the same.. I'm feeling very annoyed that you are going to that Abhishek's house..

Until Bulbul's wedding gets over I will be like this only, will be after you and will protect you.. And the last thing.. I don't want to you get attached with any of them there.. Because I'm sure you are only going to meet and be with them for just 2 months.. Dev completes..

Pragya shook her head, while Dev smiles at her and Pragya held his arms tightly saying.. Come on.. Don't pamper me alot.. then I too will dance over your head taking you for granted..

Di, you are always welcome for that.. Dev says and Pragya shrunk her eyes at him.. and he continues.. to take me for granted..!.. Pragya pulls his cheek and he smiles at her rubbing his cheek..

'' '' '' '' ''

After dropping them.. Pragya looks at Dev saying.. Don't skip your food and don't worry about me.. I will be fine.. Dev nods with a smile and Sona bends towards him and says.. Thank you Mr. Dixit.. Dev nods silently and droves away..

Your brother looks very tough.. not like you Pragya.. Sona says as they entered inside the house.. And Pragya says.. Not exactly.. I said nah he cares alot for me.. And he is too much a business man..

Bulbul was confused to look at them walking in together.. while Ragini walks out of the kitchen and noticed three of them, while Pragya and Sona standing near the door.. Just then, Abhi walks down the stairs with Purab

You both came together..!?.. Purab asks and Sona explains everything..

So.. it was Pragya's brother about whom you were praising yesterday.. Abhi asks.. and Pragya looks at Sona with a glaring smile.. While Sona continues.. Haan Bhai.. actually he dropped us till home..

Their love is destinated...  Abhigya..Devanshki..Purbul..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora