Try Again

15 2 1

(The pic above is an example of my heterochromia like I said from the last chapter)

I hop down through the man hole onto the cement floor. Pain shoots up through my legs and I grunt.

Mylo turns, her arms still wrapped around her knees, still hiding in the corner. She stares at me.

"Well, I expected more of a 'oh my God, Ian! I'm so glad you rescued me!', but guess not." Ian said dramatically, using a high voice and flailing.

She gets up and literally tackles me and I hit the floor. Her arms wrap around my neck and she buries her face in my shoulder.
  My hands stroke her short hair and just hold her close until I sit up, with her in my lap.
  "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked calmly.
Mylo glares as me. The she slapped me. Right across the cheek. Lovely.
  "I THOUGHT YOU DIED IAN!!" She yelled at me, hot tears falling from the corners of her green eyes.
I grin. "Yeah...kinda hard not to remember that..."
  Mylo groans and then wipes a lock of hair away from my forehead.
  "You idiot." She muttered before...kissing me. Her lips were soft and warm and they molded perfectly with mine.
  I pulled back and let out a breath.
"What...was...that?! I thought you hated me!" I said, extremely confused.
"Well guess not! Now, help me up." She directed, getting to her feet. I nod and fold my hands together and she steps on them and I hoist her up.
  Climbing out, Mylo turns and reaches her arm down, her fingers splayed for me to grab.  
  I reach and grab her wrist and jump. She pulls me up and falls on her butt when I get out.
  "Lol" I said. She blows a wisp of brown hair out of her face.
  "Shut up. Now, " Mylo rose to her feet. "we have stairs to climb. Silently!" She focused extra emphasis on the 'silently' part. I did the Nazi salute with a strong "Yes, ma'am" and Mylo just scoffed and shook her head.
  She motioned me over and mouthed for me to start walking up the cement stairs.
  "I see the top! Wait...we've only gone five flights?" Mylo said.
"Yeah it wasn't that far down, really." I reply, my hands in my jeans. Mylo takes the time to sit Down and rest, while I sit directly in front of her.
Her hair is oily and unbrushed, but it looks cute in the messy bob. The green In her eyes is still sparkling from the crying earlier, making them look even more beautiful.
Her freckles dance across her cheeks and her dimples are deeper than Tumblr night bloggers.
"Ian? Ian!" She was snapping her long fingers in front of my face and I blinked back to reality.
"Huh? Oh, sorry." I reply, scratching the back of my neck.
"I said we should probably get going. Here, let me help you up." Mylo was standing as she outstretched an arm to me. I took it and she pulled me up with ease. Dang this girl is strong...
We slowly crept up the last set of stairs and I rested my hand on the door knob and turned. Flinching at the loud squeak, I go slower and open the door.
  "Guards, to the left! Duck." Mylo instructed, pulling me down by the shoulder.
The black clad guards strolled down the hall with their weapons. They reminded me of SWAT...wait, they were SWAT. I forgot about that.
(A/N check this out: walgreens)
Mylo bent down and began crawling on all fours against the floor. She craned her neck to look back at me.
"Grab my ankle and don't let go." Mylo said, her face dead serious. I swallowed nervously and nodded. The instant I grabbed her pale ankle and felt a jolt of electricity course through my veins. She was using her transparency to protect me if we got shot at. I needed to keep a good grip on her if I was going to survive this. There was no question.

The red splatter of blood outside the metal door was from Ian's side. Mylo knew it was.
She punched in the code and the door slid up and open.
"Abbey?" Mylo said cautiously. Abbey turned. Her strawberry blonde hair was in a long high ponytail and her white dress was slightly wrinkled.
Abbey's green, not neon, but natural green, eyes stared at Mylo, unbelieving.
"Number Two?" She asked.
"I-it's Mylo. And your name is Abbey." Mylo explained softly, now holding Ian's hand.
Suddenly she got an idea.
"Abbey, if you grab my hand we can get out of here! If we're invisible, and we can pass through people, nobody would notice us!!!!" Mylo beamed. Abbey smiled and grabbed her sister's hand.
The trio glimmered, then disappeared from sight.
Ian decided to take the lead and began to walk out, still keeping an eye out for guards and doctors.
Suddenly Ian saw the door. A chance to try again.

Heeeey! You all like it? It's a bit longer than my other chapters so yeah!
Think it's almost over? When will Abbey find out about Zachary? MAYBE NEVEEEEERRRRRRR

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