Begging for love Part 2

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Two months later, Pete's POV.

Walking around the backstage area of NXT. I heard a familiar giggle. Turning the corner I saw Lynne and TJ. TJ was kissing her everywhere making her laugh. I was getting pissed off, I didn't know why. I broke up with her, something came over me.

"Perkins! Leave her alone." both of them looked in my direction. TJ stood in front of her.

"Why should I?" I stepped back and looked at Lynne,

"Cause, um....I need to talk to her!" TJ looked at me, he didn't wanna leave. But he nodded and turned to Lynne,

"I'll see ya later baby." he kissed her on the forehead and left.

I didn't speak after he left, "You wanted to talk to me? Cause I have to get Ember ready for her match." nodding I stepped toward her.
"Love, why are you with Perkins? I thought you love me?" I saw the hurt in her eyes but that disappeared and she said.
"For one, he treats me way better then you. TJ tells me everyday that I'm beautiful that I mean something in his life. You, you told me that I was beautiful but not everyday not like TJ. Why should I love someone or chase someone that doesn't love me back. Peter you lost your chance." and she was walking away, I caught up to her. "Lynne, I'm SO sorry for breaking up with ya. I want you back." Lynne stopped in her tracks, turning around she looked surprised.
"What did you say?" she asked,
"I want you back Love. I miss ya, I miss waking up and you not there smiling at me, I miss hearing about your family. Most of all I miss not tell you I love you everyday even when I don't say it." Lynne was crying, she walked up to me.

"Do you know how many times I waited and wanting you to call or come walking through my front door to hear you say that. Two weeks Pete! TWO WEEKS!" she was sobbing now, "Liv and Ember finally came over, told me to get up off my lazy butt. Told me to get some work out clothes on, I was at the performance center for three hours. That's when TJ and I really started talking, couple days later he asked me on a date when he came back. It was one month yesterday." I haven't felt this hurt or this weak in a very long time.

Since either one of us started talking, Lynne left. I walked back to the male talent locker room, I saw TJ talkin with Tyler and Trent. Once we both saw each other, he said bye to the both of them and left. Hearing the pyro and the fans I broke, people may think I'm mean and don't have feelings but I do. Especially since my heart was ripped out.

I tried to focus so I thought of going to catering, turned out I saw them together. Lynne saw me and TJ noticed, he moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her, I saw him whispering things to her. As I was getting food and a bottle of water I glanced at them, Lynne was smiling and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Again my heart aching, but I sucked in a breathe and sat with Tyler. "There cute together don't you think?" he asked, I have him a scowled looked and started eating.
"Hey Pete." hearing TJ's voice, looking up at TJ, he was smirking.
"I just wanted to tell ya that." looked over at Lynne,
"Lynne was very heart broken with you. I know you are extremely upset and want her back but you gonna do what's best for her!" looking at him, I couldn't believe he was saying this to my face. Getting up, I wanted to tell him off and punch him but I looked over at Lynne.
"You better treat her right. Or else." TJ scoffed,
"I already have been but alright." I shoved him and walked over to Lynne, pulling her close and gave her a kiss. I felt someone pulling me away and several punches,
"Peter calm down!" hearing Tyler's voice,
"Alright, alright!" hearing Regals voice.
"You two tonight for the dark match." he yelled.

There's going to be a part 3 to this. It was just gonna be 2 but the story kind of gave away from me. Hope you like it!!!

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