Chapter five Insert something... um... DANGEROUS here!

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Okay, Jade here! Its my turn to write a chapter, and Alyx was wrong the last chapter was chapter four


So this is chapter five and I apologize for Alyx's inability to count


Hopefully this one will be longer, and im changing my POV

Alright, here we go!



I roll out of the way as Jaxon barrels towards me, and dig out a sword from my small bag. I stand and point it at him, hearing footsteps from behind me. I believe it's Alyx and Stephanie but I don't turn around.

I point the sword at him threateningly and he rushes toward me again, with a sword of his own. He thrusts it at me and I block quickly, the blades hitting each other with a loud clang.

Alyx shouts at her brother to stop and he looks over at her shouting something about it being my fault that she's leaving or something before running at me again.

Again, I am ready for him and our blades connect with a loud clang. 

This time, though, the force of the connection causes me to stumble back and he manages to slice a clean cut down my right leg. I hear Alyx and Steph shout behing me as he towers over me, and I roll out of the way again, getting to my feet.

Alyx rushes in and stands in front of me, between me and him, shouting at her brother. I can't exactly focus on what they're saying as Stephainie comes and helps me to my feet. I think she's asking me if i'm okay but I can't focus on her words.

My eyes are glued to what is behind the arguing siblings in front of me.

I tug at Alyx's hand and don't notice the stinging pain in my leg. She turns on me and shouts


I point a shaking finger to what is behind her and she turns around. Stephanie looks as well, and so does Jaxon.

Alyx seems to sort of flip out at this point.


She screams. I mentally shout "and everyone on it" but I can't speak at the moment.

Because my dad is running down the dirt road towards us. And he looks pissed.

Jaxon turns back on Alyx and grabs her hand, I scream and kick him in the crotch, and he falls to the ground. I grab Alyx and Stephanies hands and run.

"How did he know!"

Alyx shouts at me as we run.

I can do nothing more than shrug and keep running. 

Stephanie stops at a tree and looks up at it, and me and Alyx stop and look at her.

"What are you doing!"

I shout, panting.

She looks over at us.

"Think we can climb it?"

I blink.


"Yeah, naw shit!"

I run over to the tree and scale it quickly, and sit on the tallest branch I can reach. Alyx and Stephanie join me seconds later. I look out over the city. We have a clear view from here.

My dad has turned back and given up the chase. I know he's upset.

But I have to leave.

I cluthc my leg and groan slightly, bringing it away and seeing my hand is covered in blood. I won't let Alyx or Steph see that, though.

And I know it won't just be better for me. He doesn't need to worry, he knows that.

Everything will get better for me and my family now.

I hear a shout from below and my heart skips a beat. I recognize that voice.

I look down and see her.


I smile and wave, tears almost, almost, spring to my eyes.

I climb down the tree and Alyx and Stephanie follow me curiously. They don't know Parker, as she doesn't live in our village.

I run up and give her a huge hug, and she returns the embrace.

Alyx and Stephanie just stare.

"Ahem... Awkward..."

Alyx says and Stephanie just smiles at us.

I pull away from her and look her over.

"You look so different!"

"Well so do you! Wait, what happened to your leg?"

I shoosh her and whisper "It's nothing, don't worry 'bout it. Play it off."

We laugh a bit and I look over at Alyx and Steph.

"Alyx, Stephanie, this is Parker. She's a good freind of mine. You both obviously know how I didn't live here forever like you two, yeah? Well she lived not far from me at my old village."

She nods and smiles. Alyx goes up to her and holds out her hand for a bro-fist, and I facepalm. She smiles and complies, and Stephanie just waves.

"Well a friend of Jades is a friend of mine!"

Alyx says.

Parker laughs lightly and nods.


"Alright, now that we got introduction outta the way, watcha doin here, Parker?"

"I think i'm doin the same thing you are. Findin' my other half."

I put on a fake shocked face.

"GASP! Correct!"

Alyx seems to have an idea.

"Well, then! Why don't we travel together!"

Parker nods.

"Sounds great!"

"Haha, okay, then it's settled!"

I jump up and down excitedly for a moment, screaming childishly and Parker does the same.

"This'll be great!"

She exclaims.

Alyx and Stephanie stare at us all like 


And Alyx facepalms.

"So, where should we go?"

Parker asks, calming down.

I shrug.

"I guess we should just travel around for a while. Wherever the... um... wind takes us? Is that how that saying goes? Whatever, let's just get away from here and make camp for the night."

We start off in the direction opposite the village and I hear a rustling in a near-by bush, and I look over curiously. I see the glint of a blade, unsheathe my sword and run over.

"Show yourself!"

Jaxon jumps out of the bush, his sword in hand, and growls threataningly.

I shoulda known we wouldn't get away that easily.


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