Chapter Two

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I woke up to me being thrown into a chair and strapped into it.

"Wake up!" a man shouted kicking the chair leg.

"Ugh," I groaned looking up to the man with a similar build to Vincenzo. "You might as well put a bullet in my head."

"Only the boss can make that decision," he said. "My apologies."

He felt around my chest to see if I was hiding anything and he found my cell phone.

"Well, send Vincenzo in so I can tell him to put a bullet in my head," I said and he exited. I sat in the room for awhile and finally Vincenzo emerged into the room.

"You have some balls bossing me around my own house," he said. "You had something to tell me."

"Put a bullet in my head because I'm not giving up my family," I said.

"You didn't show much loyalty when you let me go," he said.

"Yeah, I won't make that mistake again," I said tugging against the restraints.

"I'll make you tell me," he said. "I hope you enjoy your time in solitude."

He walked out the room and left me in room with nothing. I know how these interrogations worked. They were going to try and break me.


I don't know how long I was sitting there without no contact to the outside world. No food. No water. Nothing. Just me and the silence.

Every now and then I would hear someone outside the door but they never came in. This was so annoying. Could they kill me already?

After what felt like days, a woman came into the room. She was slender but had a bitchy look on her face.

"You ready to talk?"

"I already told you people, I'm not giving out any information," I said. "Just kill me already."

"I thought you might say that," she said. "I'm going to have some fun."

She landed a blow right to my stomach which made me heave forward. She beating didn't stop with my stomach. She moved to my face next.

"You punch like a girl," I said with a laugh. My father raised me to never give in to people.

(Vincenzo's POV)

I stood outside the door as Nina tortured Elena. I watched from the camera. This girl is so hardheaded. Blow after blow, Elena never backed down. She even laughed at one point and teased Nina. This girl is definitely Viktor's daughter and it would be easy to kill her to wave in front of his face.

He took my parents and sister from me and I shouldn't hesitate to take his daughter from him, but I couldn't. Why? I've killed countless people.

But they weren't woman.

That's true. We don't hurt or touch woman unless provoked by them.

I watched on as Nina continued her assault. She landed a final blow before walking out the room meeting me in the hallway.

"Nothing Boss," she said with her head bowed.

"It's fine," I said. "I'm going to talk to her."

"She's so damn stubborn," she said before walking away. I walked in the room next and her face was already slightly swollen from Nina's attacks.

I remember when I first saw her at the club. I first noticed her eyes. Those mint green eyes that were outlined with brown and then her blonde hair that cascaded in waves down her back. Then that dress. It hugged her body in all the right places.

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