From Angel to Devil

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Her shiny gold hair flew around her snow white skin as she was working on her new invention. Angelica Rose McArthur just invented the one and only time machine in history. Her Ruby red lips turned up at the corners in amazement and astonishment. Angelica could not believe that she had just created a time machine in her dad's garage. "I can't wait to try this baby out!" she squealed in anticipation and delight.

Angelica went inside and got changed while adding minimal makeup to her angel like features. She climbed back into her wonderful blue invention and she punched in a random year in the future and hit the glowing green button.

Angelica was astounded when she found out she was in the year 7352. "I'm 5,338 years in the future?" she whispered to herself. Everything was so different than it was in 2014, No one smiled or even looked at each other, the buildings were dull and grey with no life in them. People were rushing everywhere like ants from a nest.

Angelica walked to where the old science laboratory used to be and surprisingly it was still there. She hesitated at first but then cautiously went inside to find a crazy scientist 2 inches from her face bombarding her with questions. It was all too overwhelming for her so she did What she had to do; she slapped the crazy scientist across the face with an Almighty whack. That was a big mistake! The scientist was enraged with the fact that Angelica had just slapped her across the face. There was steam spewing out of her ears as her face was as red as a tomato. Angelica knew she had to get out of here but where was here, she didn't remember where she left the time machine. Her head started spinning and pounding, her breathing was shallow and her heart was beating vigorously. She knew what was happening, she was about to pass out again because she forgot to take her pill for her Narcolepsy. It was too late she was already half way there.

Angelina woke up feeling paralysed. She couldn't mover her arms or legs. But she felt the thick leather straps on her wrists and ankles. Suddenly the lights turned on exposing the crazy scientist with a large knife and a crazed look in her eyes. "Your time is up." she growled before lunging towards the table Angelica was trapped on. Angelica managed to manoeuvre herself off the table and grab a knife before the crazy scientist could reach her. Angelica plunged towards the scientist and stabbed her before she could stab Angelica.

The scientist lay lifeless on the floor in a puddle of her rich red blood that has soaked her thin blond hair like a cloth. Her skin was as cold as ice and as pale as snow. Angelica stood still with the knife still in her hands. She didn't even know the scientist's name but now she has her blood on her hands and the guilt buried in the pit of her stomach. Angelica needed to know who she was and Why she was here all alone in this gigantic building at her age, she searched the building for the scientist's office. She came upon a door with "Miss McArthur" scribbled on the front, she was curious and went inside to find pictures of her and her family hanging in frames all around the room. On the desk was a name tag with "Angelica Rose McArthur" labelled on it, Angelica took a step back and covered her mouth with her hand as she realised that the scientist was in fact herself. She had a look around the office and saw a bottle of pills that had "forever here" labelled on it, that's how she managed to live for 5,655 years and still be 17 years of age. Angelica just killed her future self and didn't even feel guilty about it anymore, maybe she wasn't an angel at all maybe she was just a devil trapped in the body of an angel.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading my short story "From Angel to Devil" I would really like your opinions on it, so I can improve on my writing so if you could comment What you thought than that would be great thank you. And by the way this was my first short story so sorry if you didn't like it. xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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