Chapter 1: The Garden

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"Zzz... Zzz..."

"As you see, there is a town right here- Wait. Who's that?"

"Shhh! Someone's sleeping, Miss! It's Rin. Hahaha..."

The teacher turned to face the students and hit her forehead. "Again? For God's sake, this child... Kagamine!"



The girl woke up. "IS THERE A FIRE!?"

The teacher got angry. "You slept again. As a punishment, you have to write 'I won't sleep as long as school's starting AGAIN' for a hundred times. Outside. Now go."

"What? But, Miss, I-"

"No excuses! Go."

Rin groaned as she walked to the door. "Okay. Fine. I'm sorry, Miss. I'll do it now."

February 1st 2011. It had been three times Rin slept on the class when school is starting. Everyone always asked the same thing: Miku, Teto, Neru, Haku, Meiko, Kaito, and Gakupo. Including her own twin brother, Len. Why Rin slept on the class lately was nearly unknown, even by Len himself. Rin always answered she got tons of paperwork, she had to sing for tons of updated songs, and she had to sing for the Append version. Well, actually...

January 31st 2011. 9 PM. As usual, Len got sleepier and sleepier. 180 degrees different with his twin sister, Rin, who was still energetic to do her activities. Actually, she felt really sleepy inside, but she had tons of work she had to do at that moment.

"Fine. I'll sleep now, Rin. Good night," Len said. He went to his room and slept well.

He never wanted to leave his sister work on her own, yet Rin still forced him to sleep first. After Len went to his room, she felt the urge to check on her garden. Everyone who saw her garden would say it was so wide, wide enough for many people to sleep there. Even wider than the twins' house. Unfortunately, her flowers withered so fast. That was why nobody would come to see her garden. Rin had done everything, since Len never cared so much, but the result stayed the same.

"Why? Why!? Why my flowers never stay like this? Argh. I hope they stay beautiful forever," Rin said angrily. "I bought much fertilizer. I even bought the flower-growing spray but I got nothing!"

Rin looked at the night sky. Her forehead creased, showed that she was thinking very hard. "I think I have to find some kind of flower... A different kind of flower that could stay the same forever. Hm... Five beautiful colored petals. Five... Colored..."

"Are you done yet?" the teacher asked.

The girl showed her paper with a big grin. "Done, Miss. Plus signature."

The teacher took her paper. "Good. Anyway, may I know why you slept on the class lately?"

Rin looked to the other side. "Um... There were so many updated songs for me to sing. And the Append version also. They kept me up at nights."

The teacher's face seemed pitying her. "That's...such a work. But at least, you have to watch your time. It would affect your grades if you get sick. Anyway, your grades are doing great. So, keep it up, Rin."

"Thanks for the advice, Miss." Rin smiled and went back to the classroom.

RIIIIIING. The break time bell rang through everyone's ears. All of them rushed out from the classrooms. Some had a chat with others, some had lunch together, and some played together. Not like the others, Rin stayed on her classroom to do her works given by her teacher, which should be done when she was outside the class.

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