"do you like feet?" hoseok asks.

what the he-?!

yoongi scowls at him, face twisted into a puzzled expression "what?!"

"i mean, we use feet to walk. isn't that nice?"

dear lord sometimes yoongi really does worry about this kid's health.

"you are crazy," yoongi retorts while shaking his head.

hoseok scrunches up his face slightly and lets out a light chuckle.
"so are you, yoonyoongi!" he laughs, gently pinching his friend's cheeks.

yoongi doesn't wince this time — he's used to this by now— but still fakes a grimace at his friend's cute actions. hoseok's habit of pinching and poking yoongi's face is something that has always been a little special part of their adorable friendship together (since they never really showed as much skinship with namjoon.)

hoseok playfully pokes the boy's sides and tickles him; finally a small giggle emerges from yoongi's mouth, and the two break into bright, happy smiles.

they cuddle together on the bench, yoongi nuzzling his face into hobi's neck until he accidentally looked up too quickly, and their noses lightly touched.

hoseok's almond eyes examine him closely, his fascinated gaze traveling lower and lower until he was staring directly at yoongi's pink cheek.

yoongi almost flinches. his entire body uncomfortably tenses at the closeness of the other boy. he freezes, eyes wide and his mind panicking. what is he doing?! why is he looking at me this way?!

and all of yoongi's dreams and nightmares become true when hoseok leans in and gently kisses his cheek. it was a short, harmless peck, something loving and innocent from a friend. hoseok's lips were warm and soft against yoongi's cold skin, sending countless shivers down the smaller boy's spine.

but it all ended so suddenly, hoseok pulling away smiling with a happy, heart-shaped grin on his face. you could tell hoseok barely thought anything of it, treating the kiss like it was a normal, friendly thing to do. yoongi, however, is mortified.

"H-HOSEOK!" yoongi screeches in terror, "wh-why did you do t-that?!!"

hoseok's face immediately falls, eyes widening in worry. he stutters, "i-i saw it in a movie! my parents they-they..."

yoongi looks absolutely horrified. his entire face resembles a pale, colorless ghost, completely washed out and pallid with fear. he couldn't believe it. he doesn't know nor understand his friend's actions. why!?

hoseok is very flustered, but mostly traumatized because he caused yoongi to become angry. he really hates it when yoongi is upset. when yoon is sad or angry he won't smile, and hoseok loves his friend's smile very much. for hoseok, causing unhappiness to yoongi is like a sin, utterly immoral and just completely unheard of.

but he was still very confused. hoseok just didn't understand much of this at all; he only wanted to show affection to his best friend! why were his innocent actions wrong?

"i-i'm sorry!" hoseok cries pleadingly, his voice quavering. "yoongi! please don't be mad!"

yoongi is still staring at hoseok as if he saw a ghost. finally, he stands up angrily. "don't ever do that to me again!" yoongi shouts and dashes off, his stout little legs running as fast as they can carry him. he aims for the play yard, planning to hide in the tall bushes of uncut grass.

he immediately falls onto the wet, green lawn, a mess of overwhelmed emotions and shock. the thud hurts him, but nothing can compare to the intense feelings coursing through him.

yoongi sighs.

he knows he's being overdramatic.

but he is only six, he doesn't comprehend things calmly yet.

yoongi rolls around in the grass, trying to reduce the strong emotions he was feeling. the dewy grass moistens his clothes with the sweet scent of nectar. the emerald bristles collected wet droplets during the springtime, he observes, and grabs a handful. his tiny hands tug at the green strands, nearly ripping them from the earth.

but in the moment of distraction, his short attention span fails him and he notices hoseok looking around for him, calling his name.

yoongi's bottom lip trembles and he throws his little arms around in embarrassed anger. his heart is beating and throbbing in his chest and his face feels hot with humiliation.

after a few moments of hysterical panic, yoongi finally just stops moving and lays peacefully beneath the sweet-smelling meadow. small tears stream down his face as his stubby fingers gently touch his wet cheek, trying to repeat the same warmth as hoseok's kiss.

he again hisses in embarrassment and begins to mumble incoherently to himself,

"hobi doesn't know... that's why he did it... he doesn't know kissing means love!"

yoongi's being a drama queen lol
i need to update this more ;-;

for you. yoonseokTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon