Chapter Five

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        The house was full of madness. A secret was out. A secret we didn't even know that we were keeping. It didn't seem possible. It was though. Michael and I were vampires and Sam, he was afraid of us. I didn't feel possible but it all made sense. No reflection. Thirst for blood. Sensitivity to sunlight. We were creatures of the night just like in Sam's comic book.

         We managed to convince Sam to keep our secret. It involved a lot of yelling a weird name calling but we had done it. Sam was on our side. Now we just needed to find out what caused this and I think I might have a clue.

         "Whatever they gave us must have turned us into this." Michael sighed. "So, we need to go see them...." I spoke and walked out. "We can't just go yet. We don't exactly know what we're up against so we should wait." "Wait for what? For our vampire side to come out and just decide to make a meal out of Sam?" I growled.

        "That's not what I'm saying. Fine, you know. Let's just go see them because it's obvious you care for them! They're evil!" Michael shouted. "You don't know that!" I snapped back and my face morphed. "See, you're just like them. Leave." Michael hissed and with that I was gone.

       I ran to the cave as fast as I could but the hunger was intense. I gripped my stomach and fell to the floor whimpering in pain. "Hey!" I heard and saw a figure moving towards me. "You're the girl that's friends with those weird guys! Well they took something of mine. I wonder how they'd feel if I took something of theirs." He spoke and kicked my side roughly. I cried out in pain as he kicked me over and over.

        I awoke in a bed with all the boys looking down at me. "Bree! You're okay!" Paul beamed and held me close. "We thought you were a goner." Marko frowned. "Give her some space." David ordered causing the boys to move back. "What happened?" I ask moving a hand to my bruised stomach. "A surf Nazi happened." Paul answered. "Where is he?" I ask sitting up. David gently laid me back down. "He's dead." My eyes widened. "So we.... We're....." I whisper. "Yes, you're only a half vampire though. Up until you make your first kill." Dwayne mumbled.

         "Wait, so you're not afraid of us?" Paul asked. "Not really. I'm a bit upset you guys turned me against my will though. Just let me know before you make choices like that." I spoke. "What about Michael though?" "For all I care, Michael can burn in hell. I never wanted to be born in this family anyway." I remarked. "What did he say to you?" David asked. "It doesn't matter now. All I know is that I'm happy with my new life."

       I was thrilled. Tonight was the night Michael and I would be put to the test. It had been about two days since our fight and I had only come home to sleep and then I went right back to the boys. I sat on the back of David's bike as he rode toward the beach. He got off and then helped me off. Michael rode up soon after. The boys were acting like kids on Christmas morning.

        "You both aren't going to want to miss this." David said. One by one, the boys flew into the tree. "Hey, listen.... About what I said.... I did-." I cut him off right away. "Shut your damn mouth. Before I break your jaw." I hiss. Michael looked down and then I noticed it. The boys jumped down from the tree. Their faces were morphed and they looked terrifying. It was a thrilling thing to see though.

          "You'll never grow old and never die. But you must feed." David hissed and threw a male at my feet. Without hesitation I ripped out his throat and savored the blood. Michael, he was trying so hard to not give into his instincts. He wanted to kill too but as usual he was afraid. With that he ran over and climbed onto his bike. He rode off into the night.

       "I'm proud to announce the very first female of the group. Welcome to the family.... Lost Girl." David spoke and the boys began cheering. "Now, the next order of business. We all must start planning to get Michael to turn. If he doesn't then we'll kill him." David added. "If we kill him then we need to kill the others. Sam knows and he definitely told those little vampire hunters." I spoke. It was strange, I loved this side of myself. I loved being the bad person. It's better them than me.

        "Max wants to meet you tonight." David spoke. I flew to the top of the ceiling and hung happily from the bar. "Sounds great. Although I am a bit nervous. What if he doesn't like me?" I questioned. "Max legit loves everyone. Except for people that hurt us and people that refuse to turn fully especially after they're given a whole new shot at life." Marko spoke and flashed a look of anger over to Star. He leapt up next to me and hung upside down like a bat. David and Dwayne did the same. With that we all fell asleep.

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