Chapter Two

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The Wicked Witch of the West

You liked the idea of the musical Wicked. It showed the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz in a different perspective. Everything that she did was just misunderstood. You empathized with her the most, seeing as you were playing the role of her.

That night was the production of Wicked that the performing class had been waiting for. The stage in Ouran's auditorium had already been set up, and your nerves were racked.

It was almost time to go on stage. All that was left was the last few touches on your make-up.

"I'm ready." You mumbled to yourself before walking on the stage.

• • •

You were singing the final song before the end of Act I. In this scene, Elphaba was being cornered and decided to try her new magic spells to fly.

"🎶 Tell them how I am defying gravity~🎶" You let your voice ring throughout the theatre as the harness carried you into the air, making it look as though the broom in your hand was lifting you.

You realized that this was the hardest play that you had ever been in. The costume was distracting. Elphaba had green skin, so all your skin was painted green, making your nose look very interesting at the most random of times.

As your voice continued to echo, your attention was drawn to your green nose once again. When you looked at your nose, a certain member in the front row of the audience caught your eye. You saw Takashi.

His left elbow was on the armrest as his chin lay in his left hand. He was staring at you with a small, soft smile adorning his features.

You made sure that you continued to sing flawlessly, not letting your thoughts disrupt your performance. After all, it wasn't too odd that he was staring at you; you were singing a solo so everyone was looking at you.

You became grateful for the green skin tone covering your face because—for some reason—you could feel heat rising to your cheeks; enough that it felt unhealthy.

Why is this happening to me...?

• • •

You arrived to class slightly early the next day. The play went really well and was a success, putting you in a good mood.

About ten minutes before class was to start, Takashi walked in with the little blond on his shoulders. The blond had a look of sickness on his face.

"I don't feel good, Takashi." He whined.

You cringed internally at his grammar. "Well." You corrected, mumbling under your breath.

You began to feel bad. He's feeling unwell, poor little guy...

"Mitsukuni." Takashi addressed him as the blond was removed from the giant's shoulders, being placed on the ground. "I told you not to eat those cookies."

Listening to their conversation, you took note that the brown-eyed boy's name was Mitsukuni.

"Renge-chan looked sad that no one wanted her cookies," Mitsukuni defended, "so I had to eat them~!" He beamed.

He looks fine now... You rolled your eyes at the thought and continued to daydream while staring out the window.

It was peacefully quiet, with only you, Takashi, and Mitsukuni in the classroom. Even the teacher wasn't there yet.

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