He grinned at scampered off with his breakfast. "Adelaide!" I jumped and the pan I once held fell onto my arm, still burning from the eggs I cooked. The skin seared against the heat, and tears clouded my vision, boils arising on my arm. "Are you and Roland inside?"

"Yes Robin!" I hissed, placing a cold towel over the burn. "Why?"

"There is a purple cloud passing over us, I fear it is a curse. Stay inside until I know it's safe."

Looking outside, all I could see was the purple gas clouding around us and entering our home. However, it only lasted for a few seconds, and we were still intact. Nothing out of place, and Roland still sat in the kitchen table and ate his eggs as if nothing ever happened.

"Well, dearest Robin, I think we're okay." I sighed, wrapping my arm in a cloth to keep it from getting infected. Soon, Roland's teacher knocked on the door and I took that as my cue to leave. I grabbed my bag, and started my way to the tavern.

"Bring your knives! I do not know what just happened, but you are not going out there defenseless." Robin called after me, I rolled my eyes and grabbed two, just to make him feel better.

As I walked, I felt almost a cloud looming over me. Everything on ever as I walked down the dirt path I heard screeches in the distance, and I passed it off for birds. But in reality it's what I could imagine as monkeys burning at the stake. Luckily, whatever was in the forest didn't come out and I could make it safely.

"Adelaide!" The local drunk cheered as I arrived. I smiled and shook my head, tying my apron around my waist. "How's my favorite girl!"

"Hey Larry, the usual?" I chuckled fixing up a class of scotch. Larry was old enough to be a grandpa, and he was here 24/7 drinking into his beer belly. He was a good man, just with too many skeletons in his closet. I brought it over to him and he smiled gratefully. "You do know showers are a thing, right?"

"But what if I miss your presence in the morning?"

"And who would want to miss that?" A familiar arm wrapped around my shoulders and a kiss was placed on my cheek. Rolling my eyes, I pocketed the money Larry gave me and shrugged off the arm.
"Kendrick, keep your hands to yourself."

Kendrick was a very handsome man. And whereas I believed I was around the age of seventeen, he was about five years older. An eligible man who flirted with any woman he set his eyes on. But he seemed jokingly set on me. It was a pattern between the two of us. He asked and I rejected and he took it with a laugh. Kendrick knew it would never happen and only found amusement in my annoyance.

"Oh come on Adelaide!" He whined with a dimpled smile. "Give me a chance love?"

I despised anyone calling me that. The name was reserved, for someone I didn't know the name of. "Nope. Do you want a drink? Gin, Rum, Beer?"

He took the Gin and handed me more money than needed, not that I complained. He did it in purpose. Throughout the day, it was people like this who made me smile. The tavern was a place for drunken bastards and teasing friends. I could find out a lot of things about all different types of people. The ones who committed adultery and the ones who were there for a good time.

But each day came to an end too soon and as usual, Kendrick insisted on walking me home. Only this time I accepted. It was dark, and with the noises coming from the day, I only feared the ones that emerged at night.

"So, how are you and that one woman, Alison?" I asked with a teasing grin. "The third woman you've gone out with this week."
"Well we all know I only care for one." Kendrick replied, linking our arms together. "Unfortunate I only care for her as a sister."

"You are going to make a woman very happy one day." I smiled. "Oh and thanks for walking me home."
"Well with the way things are going today, I thought it best."

"You mean the purple clouds?"

"And the flying monkeys."
"The what?" I burst, looking at him strangely. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" We stopped in front of my house but only because I pressed my hands to his forehead and cheeks. He sounded insane.

Kendrick laughed at my concern but put a finger to his lips, silencing me. He then pointed his finger to the sky and I listened to the screeches emitting from the forest. "Do you hear that?" He asked softly, his blue eyes twinkling. I nodded and he continued, "That's the monkeys. I've seen them."

"This morning, it was flying around and scaring off any animal in sight. I was hunting for my family."

I nodded and focused on remembering the information. "Speaking of family, I should get to mine." I sighed, chuckling when he picked up my hand and placed a kiss on it. "Always the gentleman."

"Only for you Adelaide." He flirted with a wink. As soon as he turned to leave, Roland came out with his dimpled smile and eagerly bounded over to me.

"Isn't it your bedtime little man?" I asked, placing the boy on my hip. "How was your day?"
"I got attacked by a monkey and then it was turned into a toy by a beautiful princess!" He squealed, his hands tugging on my hair as he spoke. "And now we're going to a castle!"

I looked down at him, and though I was confused I loved his imagination. "Okay Ro." I chuckled, walking us into our home. "What would you like for supper?" I asked sitting him down.
"We're eating in the castle!" He insisted. "With the princess!"

"Actually, she's a Queen." Robin's voice intruded tossing me a huge bag when I turned. "Come on, let's go. The horses are ready."

I was beyond confused, and no one was explaining anything to me. I just got home and apparently we're moving? Why? How did this happen in a matter of eight hours. "Robin?" I breathed, hoping for any explanation whatsoever.

"I helped the Evil Queen and her friends and they offered to let us stay with them." He said as he let me out to our two horses. "The curse dropped everyone back here. Baelfire, Snow White, David, even Belle! I figured we would do better there anyways. All of our things are packed away, we should get going."

The days events had went on a spiral so quickly, I didn't feel like arguing with him. I didn't care where I was as long as I had my family. I followed him out to the horses, mounting one quickly. I was packed with most of the items so Roland sat with Robin on the ride there. Surprisingly, it didn't take long to get there and I could already smell the food inside. At this point in the night I didn't know if I wanted food or sleep more. As soon as we entered the castle, a woman was there to greet us.

"Oh good Robin, you're here- oh my god." The long raven haired woman with a kind smile entered the room until it fell upon seeing me. "Adelia?"

I only stared at the woman who had tears in her eyes, her arms wrapping around me. "We thought you were dead!" She gushed, hugging me tightly. I stared at Robin, hoping he had an explanation but he only stared back at me with a mirroring expression.

"Do I know you?"

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