Married!! Pt. 2 || Emilio Martinez

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I woke up to Emilio kissing my neck softly. I smiled and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Morning," Emilio whispered nibbling on my earlobe. Emilio and I had been up at night, making out but not going very far yet. We're not married yet so we're planning to think about it after we're married.

"We're getting married today, baby!" I whisper cheered as he giggled.

"We can have our own twins! What would you name them?" I asked Emilio smiling, twisting his hair onto my index finger.

"If boys, Luke and Ashton. If girls, Jerika and Espania." Emilio smiled.

"Those are beautiful names! Especially Espania, Em. That's a beautiful name." I said happily. Then out of no where, merch was shot at me and Emilio. I screamed and hid under the covers laughing.

"GOOD MORNING TWINS AND ALLY!!!" Jake yelled, hitting us with the merch gun again.

"We're getting married!!!" Emilio yelled kissing my lips.

Jake and Chance yelled, "NO!" Making Em and I laugh.

I was then pulled out of bed and taken away by Chad.

"No, Chad put me down!" I laughed.

He then took me to the garage and sat me down in front of Kade, Tristan, Jake, Toner and Nick. Oh shit. I think I did something that made Nick come. The thing is what "did" I do?!

"So, Alex. You're going to get married." Jake said stating the obvious.

"Were you not their Jake because I'm sure I saw you otherwise I'm seeing a ghost."

"No, I was their we're just here to tell you to treat Emilio right." Chance said.

"And please explain why I wouldn't?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"We've seen you when you're mad. You throw random stuffed animals and one time you threw a sandwich at the wall. You almost threw yourself out the window when Jon was voted out for that show Boyband." Tristan explained, the boys nodding in unison.

"That's only when I'm mad. And I'd only prank Emilio if he ever got me mad or I'd sleep on the floor." I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah, okay." Jake said sarcastically.

"Just have fun being a couple." Nick said smiling.

"Is he okay?" I asked Kade making the boys laugh softly.

"I dunno, kid. For the last days he's been pretty cool with the Jerika thing so you're good." He said smiling getting up to hug me.

"GROUP HUG!!!" Jake yelled, hugging me then I fell to the floor as they hugged me making them groan.

"Damn it my head," Tony groaned holding his head and wincing.

I laughed and punched the guys in the arm then ran up to the room.

"Okay, the priest is almost here so go get ready." Ivan said as I nodded.

Tessa and Erika met me in Tessa's room. They're all happy and excited, dressed in white dresses for the bridesmaids.

"You both look beautiful!" I said smiling.

"You will too." Erika said, picking out this short skirt up to my legs, and the top is a bra like one, designed with black and white roses.

"I love this outfit so much.." I said smiling looking at the outfit continuously.

I dressed into it then dyed my hair a natural color in the many many hours we had left. The wedding would take place in the living front near the garage and the front door.

"Ready?" Ivan asked his arm bird like so I can take it smiling and nodding.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said smiling at Ivan as they played with wedding theme and he escorted me down the stairs.

We turned and I saw Jake, Chance, Toner, Kade and Tristan on each side which I'm sure Ivan is one of them. In front was the handsome Emilio Martinez. Jake was of course vlogging.
Tessa was the flower girl and bridesmaid.

I met Emilio their and we said our vows and the important things the priest has told us to tell each other.

"Do you, Emilio Martinez take Alexis Zendaya Dunn as your newly be wedded wife?" The priest asked Emilio.

"I do." He smiled taking my kissing my hand.

"Do you, Alexis Zendaya Dunn take Emilio Martinez as your newly be wedded husband?"

I smiled and nodded, "I do." I said and kissed Emilio's hand.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced, Emilio's and I's lips softly moving in sync.

We both pulled away and we smiled at each other. "We're married!" Emilio smiled.

"I know. And I'm happy to be a Martinez." I said before kissing his lips again.

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