How many more times?

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Your POV. 

Here we are again I sigh as i look at the metal doors of the lift. Up we go to the top floor as I go up the floor i sigh and think how many more times i can act I'm fine with this. Each time it's worse the last time he was in hospital for 4 weeks now....They're telling me a month. 

The doors open and i walk out. I walk up to the front Desk. 

"Oh Hello Mrs Kennedy..Back again?" The nurse asks. 

I sigh and say. "Where is he?" 

She points down the hallway. I start to walk and part of me wanted to stop but i couldn't. I didn't want this no more even though i loved this man i couldn't keep doing this. When i first married him i thought it'd calm down...I was wrong. I'm finally at the door. 

I sigh and knock and wait. 

"Come in." His voice answered. I open the door and there he is led in the bed with his one arm in plaster. His right leg in a brace and his face and and upper body was covered in bruises and cuts. 

"Y/n baby! I am so glad to see you." He says with a slight smile. I walk to his bedside and his hand reached out for mine but i pull away. 

"Y/n?...What's wrong?" He asks. 

I go and stand by the window and say. 

"How many more times Leon?" 

It falls silent...And i ask again. 

"How many more damn times Leon?!" I turn and look at him. 

He looks at me shocked and i just look at him and wait for his reply. 

"I don't know Y/n this is my job this is who i am." He looks at me. I think about what i say to him next. "And what am i? Huh? Second in who Leon gives a fuck about?" 

"Now Y/n you know how i feel and care about you!" He tries to sit up a little. "Well I am sorry to yell you mister fucking Kennedy! But you up and left a month ago for 'Vacation' THEN I get a call to say your here!" I growl. 

Leon sighs and looks down and says..."Don't do this I love you Y/n..more than you know." I go to the side of his bed and pull out my purse Leon watches me and asks. 

"Y-Y/n...What are you doing?" He watches as i pull a small card like passport but when i opened it and out in front of Leon. To say the least he was shocked. 

"Surprise...." After three years of being married to him i finally got pregnant. 

"How long...?" 

He asks and I reply. "I'm coming up to my second month."  He looks at me and then the small scan picture in his hand. 

I stay silent and walk back to the side of the bed and pick up my bag and say before leaving. 

"Have a long hard think while your in here about how much I and this baby means to you." 

I walk out and close the door behind me. I walk past the front desk and right to the Lift when and unexpected face was looking at me.

"Y/n? Why aren't you staying with Leon?" His voice asked. 

"Chris..Because I'm tired and I think he needs to re think our marriage." I get in the lift and press the button and soon enough i was on my way down. 

End POV. 

Leon's POV. 

I'm led in bed gob smacked my wife had just told me I'm a farther to be and that she isn't the light of my life when she is. It caused a lot of pain for me to hear her say everything that she said. I put the picture down on the table and lie back and think....What was i gonna do to make it up to her?

The door knocks. 


And in comes Chris who's slowly recovering after our mission.  He still had cuts and bruises on his face and his left arm was in a cast. 

"How're you feeling?" He asks as he takes a seat next to me. 

"Not gonna lie Chris I'm a little hurt and surprised." I answer and pick up the picture and give it to Chris. 

"She's pregnant? That's great Leon you said you two have been trying..-" I cut him off and said. "That's not the point Chris She thinks i put my job and life on the line for nothing and that she doesn't matter to me." 

Chris Sighs and says. 

"You know me and you are alike Rebecca was right but sadly i haven't found the right one for myself the job keeps me going. But you Leon you have a wife and now a baby maybe it's time for a break put her first and this baby spend the time with her not to mention you need a break." He finishes and soon the time past and he had to go. 

For the rest of the time i was in the hospital all i did was think. Maybe Chris was right maybe it is time to put Myself and Y/n first. 

The day came when i was allowed home my arm was still in a cast but i was rested enough to go home. I walk out of the ward to see Chris once again. 

"Chris what are you doing here?" I ask. He smiles and says. 

"Just follow me." We walk down many hallways until i notice where we were i look at the signs....We keep walking until we stop at a door he knocks and he says. 

"Go on in."

I open the door to see Y/n and the nurse who had been treating me. 

"What is this?" I ask. 

"Well i don't want you missing out Leon come on." I slowly walk over to the side of the bed and watch as they prepare her for a scan and just like that a tiny heartbeat could be heard from the monitor. I feel the warm tears fill my eyes as i look at the screen to see our baby. 

After a while we were walking home. We stopped off at our favourite park. 

"Y/n...I want to say this After seeing that today and thanks to Chris I have decided to take some well desuved time off to be with you and the baby I don't want you feeling like you don't come first anymore. I love Y/n and This baby you both are the best things that could have happened to me." 

Without hesitation she comes closer to me and places her hands in mine and like always she got up on her tiptoe and placed a small kiss upon my lips and she says. 

"I love you too."

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