Too Far

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"I still can't believe you did that" Chance says to Tessa as they walk into her room

"me neither" Tessa peers down the hall before closing her door and turning to face Chance "I just saw her with you and didn't like it and when she snapped back and said the things she did I fully lost it" Tessa sits on the end of her bed and rests her head in her hands "I just hate that we still have to pretend to just be friends outside of this house, I hate it Chance"

Chance follows and sits next to Tessa wrapping his arm around her "me too, but I guess it's kind of out now" he says "there were a lot of fans watching today and I don't know how Jake will be able to play that off as a joke". 

Tessa lifts her head to face Chance "yeah, Jake was so nice about it" She places her hand in Chance's "he completely understood what set me off and he didn't judge me" 

"I guess he's been there, in that situation" Chance replied "plus he knew it was only a matter of time before it got out anyway"


The Next day Tessa woke up to the sun piercing her eyes, she had forgotten to close her blinds last night. She looked over and saw Chance sprawled across the bed with all the covers pushed to her side. He looked overheated, probably because he fell asleep in his hoodie and sweat pants. Wanting to let him sleep Tessa quickly wriggled free from his arm which was resting across her back and lightly pecked him on the cheek before tip toeing to the Shower.


"Good morning Jake Paulers" Jake said to the vlog camera. He was standing outside the Team 10 house with Ray. Jake was explaining how for todays vlog he enlisted Ray and these real gang members to come pretend to break into the team 10 house and scare everyone. 


Chance had woken up and was checking his phone while listening to Tessa sing in the shower, he couldn't help but smile. 

All of sudden he heard yelling coming from downstairs and he jolted out of bed to see what was going on.  

He saw Jake yelling at these thugs which had clearly burst into the house.  Both of them were covered in tattoos and had big knuckle rings on. The looked pissed off. One of them was down stairs harassing Chad who looked to be backing into Erica's room, the other was walking up the stairs towards him. Quickly ducking into his room he grabbed a bat  and walked back into the hallway in hopes of getting this thug to leave. Anthony joined close behind while Kade and the Martinez twins ran out on to the balcony to call the cops. 

The thugs movements were slow and controlled, he was big and knew he had the advantage. Although Chance had a bat and Anthony to back him up, they had no hope but to try and reason with him.

"Look dude, you gotta leave" Chance said taking a step towards him and clenching the bat tighter in his fist

"you can't just break into someones home" Anthony added 

"you gotta leave" Chance repeated

but it was no use, the thug took a few more steps closer and swung at Chance, Anthony swung back but the thug deflected his punch and pushed Anthony, sending him flying down the stairs

"Yo yo! Stop! that wasn't part of the plan! I said no one gets hurt!" Jake charged up the stairs and to the thug which had began kicking Chance

"stop! stop!" Jake continued to yell, the thug pulled back but smashed the camera out of Jakes hand

"its just some fun calm down" he said. Jake helped Chance up and followed the thug down stairs. Jake then threatened to call the cops and explained to the rest of the house what had happened and how it was supposed to be a prank for the vlog.

"Thats too far Jake, there's some lines you don't cross and you know safety is already an issue for us" Erica spoke up, Jake began to apologise but was interrupted by Ray

"wheres the third guy?" he said 

"what do you mean" Chance piped up "there was only two, wasn't there?"

Worry spread all over Jakes face and sweat droplets had formed all over his forehead and palms, Quickly spinning around he began to take a head count of the team 10 members.

"wheres Tessa?!" His voice was panicked, it wasn't a joke anymore.

everyone looked around but before they could respond, a scream came from upstairs. Chance dropped the bat and began to run to Tessa's room but he didn't get far. 

"NOBODY MOVE!" the two thugs burst back through the front door, arms raised and a gun pointed at Jakes head. 

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