Chapter 06 ♡ Before Mount Ebott

Start from the beginning

The blonde shook her head in her pillow, whining in the process. "Nooooooo!"

Musa readied herself with Aisha. They looked at each other, then at Stella. Smirks spread on their faces. That would mean one thing. Bloom and Flora shook their heads.

The bluenette and brunette grabbed on each of Stella's legs. Before the blonde could even register what was happening, she was suddenly pulled from her position. Roxy chuckled and Tecna sighed. Bloom, well...

"Girls, stop." She said. "Stella will have to get up on her own."

Musa let go of the blonde's leg along with Aisha, but the fairy suddenly retorted, "But we're leaving soon, right?"

"Yes, but if she wants to sleep--"

"Finally!" Stella exclaimed.

"--she will have to stay here and miss the adventure we'll have."

"What?!" The sun fairy shot up from her bed. "But-- you can't--!"

Bloom, Aisha and Musa chuckled. "Well, if you want to come along, you'll have to begin preparing as well." Bloom finally ended as Flora came out of the shower, all clean and clothes on. "Who's next?" She asked the group.

Tecna got up from her seat, bringing her own clothes and toiletries. "I am," she announces as she goes for the door. Stella would have gone there, but she stops to a halt, remembering she has to get her own clothes. Sighing, she drags her feet off the bed and took her travel bag underneath. She unzips the bag and takes her clothes.

"Can I at least take my time?" The blonde asks. "I can soap quick, but my hair isn't easy to lather."

"Just try to do it quickly!" Musa sighed. "Or at least be the last one."

Stella sighed. "Alrighty, then."

• • •

As the blonde came out drying her hair with her towel, everyone else were packing their napsacks, taking what they would need for the journey. Finishing her hair, Stella rushed to her own napsack and looked for the things she had to bring. When she finished, everybody else was ready to go.

"To the local restaurant!" Bloom cheered. "I'm starving!"

Before they left the inn however, they made a small arrangement with the owner. Surprisingly, she was Jenn's mother, Jauna. Fortunately, she agreed on securing their things until they ever returned. She promised to keep them even if they didn't return! Bloom told her to try to send them back to Alfea instead, but she kept on insisting she keep them. She might sell them, Bloom figured, but she seems trustworthy.

With everyone's vote (except Tecna, with the act being "irrational and not thought out"), they all let Jauna keep their cases. Stella's would be hard to conceal, but the owner said that she'll take good care of it. Seemingly assured, the Winx head on to the local bistro.

"Breakfast is served!" A cheery girl said as she came with their food. "Oh, you're the Winx! It's an honor serving you!"

They really won't get over it, huh? Bloom sighed. "Thank you. And it's great to have you serving us."

"Anytime!" She smiled. "Anything else before your great mission?"

Stella, knowing how she pretty much loved dessert, wanted to add something, but she decided to wait until later. "We'll all decide later after the main course." She answered.

"Okie dokie!" The girl saluted, and then turned to leave. They began eating, and began a conversation.

"...the food here is great!" Roxy commented. "Wow! I mean, Bloom is one of the best with pizzas and Flora with her own, but... wow."

Flora nodded. "I wonder who cooked these? I'd like to know their recipes."

Well, the food served was simple, really--Eurasian food and some waffles for Roxy and Stella. It's just that, the flavor tasted so delicious they can beat the ones cooked in sophisticated restaurants. Even Flora is amazed. She is, after all, the cook in the group.

"You would be asking for Aleck, our youngest chef!" The cheery girl replied. "His kindness is so overflowing, you can taste it in the food he cooks! He has a great passion for cooking!"

Now that's a real chef, thought Flora. Someone who will cook from his heart.

A young man with jet-black hair wearing a green apron arrived into the scene. He placed his hand on the girl and said, "I think you'll have to let them eat to taste my kindness, Nara."

"Oh, hi Al!" Nara replied. "I was just telling them about you because one of them--I think it was the flower fairy--asked about who cooked the meal and...!"

Meanwhile, the Winx were just finishing their breakfast, listening to the conversation. The boy, Aleck, tells Nara to let them be after suddenly telling a small story about him. The blonde frowned, but her smile returned and waved off with an "OK!"

The young cook sighs. "Excuse my friend, she's just really... energetic most of the time."

"It's totally fine," Bloom responded. "Back in Alfea, we have an apprentice just like her. She could control her enthusiasm, though."

The raven's tealish eyes widen. "An apprentice already?"

The girls giggle at his reaction. "Well, we do need descendants after all," stated Tecna. "In case we could fail or something. You never know."

Aleck nods in understanding, following with, "Of course, of course."

After the small talk, he takes a good look at Flora with her doing the same with him. The nature fairy smiles, which makes the boy blush a little.

"So, you're the one who made this?" She began. "Your food and recipes go well together."

He nods. "Yes, and I'm usually around for the morning or night shift. I really love to cook, and it feels great to serve people with my cooking. It's something my father would have done."

"That sounds pleasantly wonderful." Flora clasped her hands. "I wish you a great career!"

Feeling humbled by the fairy's words, he shyly looked down, flustered. "Thank you," he managed to voice out, the softness evident in his voice. He did like Flora in a way, even if Helia got to her first.


"Oiiii," teased Nara from the counter. "Aleck has a crush~!"

That statement snaps the boy from his small reverie, turning to the girl with his reddened face. His voice cracked a little as he spoke, "D-don't mess with me, Nara!"

The small argument made the Winx chuckle. Of course they're aware of the many fans they have worldwide thanks to Isabela, and even knew about how some can have small crushes of them. It's a little new, but they would have to get used to it.

"Anyway," Aleck sighed. "I can teach you my recipes, and you can teach me yours! I think that's a good deal."

Flora nodded and said, "Agreed."

Standing up, the girls are now nourished enough to head for Mount Ebott. Paying the check (even if Nara kept saying no), they all left with their goodbyes and waved at the potential duo. They could already see their hopes and dreams come true, even freeing the monsters.

This is up to us now, Bloom thought. Everyone is depending on us. We must not fail.

All our hopes and dreams will prevail.

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