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Harry followed Snape down to the end of Privet Drive. He was scared, there was no doubt about that, but he didn't think life could be any worse than it was at the Dursley's. Harry was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he noticed professor Snape had come to a halt.


"What Potter?"

"Um why'd you stop? "

"let's get something straight Potter, you might be famous and you might get better treatment than everyone else, but do not expect it from me."

Harry began to laugh, he had never met someone with such a sense of humor.

"Good one Professor."

"What are you on about, Do you find me funny boy?" Snape asked, seeming angry.

"Um, no sir, sorry sir. It's just, I'M not famous."

"I don't take well to liars. Tell me about your home life."

"Sir, um, I'd prefer not to talk about it if that's okay."

"It most certainly is not okay. talk!"

A tears started to roll down his cheek he thought this would be better but it wouldn't be if he had to talk about it.

"um well I'm not sure where to start."

"Stop your mumbling boy and fake crying is not going to get you any sympathy"

Harry had had enough, "FAKE?! you think I'm faking, okay, so you want to know about my home life? I'll tell you, I woke up every morning with an empty stomache hoping-praying that I might get food that day, I would cook them breakfast and hope-sometimes even beg for a piece of bread, or a glass of water. which I rarely got. I cleaned the house and wore clothes 3 times to large for me, I got hit, punched, slapped, kicked, and verbally abused by my cousin and his friends and also my aunt and uncle, I wasn't aloud to do good in school unless I wanted to get punished. So unless I am 'famous' for neglect and abuse then I don't know what you are talking about!" Harry started walking away before he said anything else he regretted. He sat on the curb and began to cry.

Snape knew he was lieing, wasn't he? he had to be, the boy who lived and he's saying he's not treated like a spoiled brat? He had to know for sure, he quietly entered Harrys mind being careful not to alarm him and let Harry know about his presence and what he saw, surprised him. The boy was telling the truth. He was mentally scolding himself for saying it a loud. He hadn't wanted anyone to know, he didn't want to get attention because of it.

Now this was something Snape never thought he would be doing, he got down next to Harry put his arm around the boy trying to provide comfort and whispers soothingly, "I believe you, it will be okay, you'll never go back, I'll make sure of that." When Snape had seen Harry he was reminded of James. But now that he's talked to the boy a little he is reminded much more of Lily.

Harry Potter SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now