Harry Potter Snape

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Harry potter was a 10 year old boy with bright green eyes, dark, messy brown hair, round glasses, and a curious scar in the shape of a lighting bolt. He possessed only one picture of his parents and from what he could tell he looked something like his dad. Although, his eyes he had obviously inherited from his mother. He was living with his late mothers sister, her husband, and their child, the Dursley's. His days seemed to be pretty predictable, he would wake up, cook breakfast- which he wouldn't be aloud to eat- go to school, come home, do chores, cook the others dinner -again, not be aloud to eat- be given a few slices of bread, drink some water, do more chores and then go to bed in his small cupboard under the staires. On the morning if his cousin, Dudley's birthday he was woken up by his over sized cousin jumping on the stairs yelling, " GET UP POTTER! GET UP!"
Groggily he stood up, banging his head on the ceiling, and went in the kitchen to cook breakfast. When Harry's uncle told him to, "Hurry up and get in the car, we won't be late due to the likes of you." He was, simply, surprised. Harry usually would stay home alone when they went out, but he wasn't going to complain, he had never had the chance to go to the zoo before. Harry quickly got in the car and kept to himsef the entire ride there.

When they got to the zoo they went directly to the reptile house, apparently, Dudley's favorite, they were standing around a tank that had a rather large snake, who appeared to be sleeping, inside of  it. The Dursleys started to tap on the glass and yell but the snake refused to awaken, so they walked away. Something about this snake intrigued Harry, so he continued to look at it, and then he decided to talk to it- he knew it wouldn't talk back- but he never had the chance to just talk without the worry of someone telling the Dursleys.

"I know what it feels like, being stuck in a small space all day, not being with your parents, I never met mine, have you." he chuckled, and turned to walk away, when he heard a voice, almost a whisper.

"I never did either, can't you read?" Harry's eyes widened and he turned slowly, in shock. The snake was pointing his head at the sign that read 'bread in captivity'.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize, have you...." He was interupted when Dudley shoved him out of the way and yelled "Mom, Dad! Potter, got the snake to wake up, come quick."

Frustrated that one of the only conversations he has ever had got interupted, Harry wished that dudley was in the tank, so he too knew what it was like. Before Harry knew what happened the glass had disappeared.

Dudley, who was leaning on the glass, fell through and was inside the tank. The snake slithered out, and the glass magically re-appeared. Harry knew that when they got home he would be in a lot of trouble, but he didnt care, he was just happy that Dudley got what he deserved for once, instead of being treated like a perfect king by his parents. Harry was right, when they got home he was shoved into his cupboard and locked in.

A few weeks after the zoo incident.  Harry was told to go get the mail, where there were not one, but two letters addressed in green ink, to Harry Potter, it was so precise that it even said in the cupboard under the stairs.
He assumed they both said the same thing, so he put one in the cupboard and took the other to the kitchen to read. Handing the mail to his uncle, he took his to his seat and began opening it, his aunt snatched it out of his hand, and told him to got to his 'room' if you could even call it that. He tried to keep a straight face, he knew he had another copy in his room so he went, locked the door and quietly opened his letter.
He was confused and disappointed. Sure it was a prank, it said he was a wizard and he was accepted to the best wizarding school in the world; Hogwarts.
When he got to the ending he knew it was true, it talked about his parents, and nobody knew much about his parents, not even Dudley. He quickly wrote a response on the back of the letter, with a pen he had found under some dust a few weeks ago.
"Dear Mr.Dumbledore
I have no way of getting to hogwarts the best I can do is meet someone at the corner of privet drive i will wait there on July 31st at 3 pm if someone is there then I will come if not then i will unfortunatly be unable to come to Hogwarts. Please , I am begging you to come and get me."
Late at night when he was sure that the Dursley's were a sleep he snuck out to take the letter to the mail box. He set the letter in the mailbox and began to walk back towards the house when he saw an owl swoop down and grab the letter from the box. He wasn't sure what to think; either it was a random owl grabbing his letter or more likley it was the way wizards sent mail considering there was no return address.

When July 31st came along he went to the corner and he hoped so much that they got his letter. When he got to the corner there was someone standing there he was tall and skinny with black hair that went down to his shoulders he looked like someone people might fear.

"Hello? I'm Harry Potter, are you Mr. Dumbledore?"

"Professor Snape," the man corrected,"Professor Dumbledore sent me. I will get you what you will need at Hogwarts."

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