Part Fourteen: Despite It All

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Frisk's POV:

I leaned against the wall of the Lab, feeling strange in this new environment. I could feel my stomach clutching with anxiety, not wanting to come into contact with Chara again, but knowing this was for the best.

Exhaling I peeled myself off the wall and paced a little bit again. I didn't know how long it had been since everyone had left to get ready, but it felt like hours to me, and at this point, I much rathered action than the dragged out anticipation.

"Didn't expect to see you here so soon." A voice sounded to my right, making me whip around to face the source.

"Chara," I said under my breath.

She giggled, "Who else?"

"I-I just wanted to confront you. Even though you almost killed me, I-I'm not afraid of you!" I tried to sound convincing, "You're just the ghost of a girl, both literally and spiritually. A-And I honestly feel sorry for you."

Chara frowned, "Not afraid?Really?"

I yelped and threw myself against the wall as she threw a knife beside me, laughing at my reaction.

"You have a problem!" I snapped, backing away.

She followed me, step by step, "I do. And it's you."

I took off running, hoping that everyone else was more prepared than I was.

Sans' POV:

As soon as I heard her footsteps I teleported to Toriel, who began to start the process of creating vines, ones that were stronger and could keep a hold of a murder baby long enough for the plan.

Soon after that, I went to Papyrus, who set up a distraction that way that Frisk could get away. Hopefully.

I watched as Frisk rounded the corner, Chara trailing close behind her, and both Papyrus and I started launching as many attacks at Chara as possible without hurting Frisk. I could hear Chara yelling insults and comments, trying to wear down our determination, but without avail.

After a minute straight of launching attacks, Chara was on the ground, crawling across the lab floor, a streak of crimson marking her past path. The three of us took off as Chara struggled to her feet, running after us and stumbling like a drunken sailor.

"I'll get you, sister! I'll get you if it's the last thing I do!" I could hear her voice cracking; she was starting to break down.

Frisk ducked into the lab, where Alphys awaited her arrival that way she could watch from a safe distance, and Chara still stumbled after us. She hadn't even noticed Frisk's disappearance, luckily for us.

"You're all fools! I always win!" She shot at us, weakly throwing a knife our way.

"You're the fool, Chara," I said under my breath as Toriel's vines wrapped around Chara, who screamed with defiance.

They solidified after a few seconds, her continuing to struggle, but the life in them being overpowering to the point I could feel it.

"Chara, please, just stop this, and we can help you. We can heal you. We'll set you free." Toriel offered, sounding more sincere than anyone could have to look this murderer in the eyes.

"Go to hell!" Chara spat back.


Chara gave him a deadpan stare and Papyrus' pupil's darted around the room nervously, feeling very awkward under her disappointed stare.

"If that doesn't sound pleasant, then what about death?" I offered, stepping closer to her, with the scythe appearing in my hand's.

She giggled, "You couldn't do it the first time, comedian. Why would you kill me now? After all you've done for Frisk, I'm sure you're more of a coward than befor--"

"Shut up!" I snapped, feeling flustered.

I held the scythe to her neck, feeling no pulse through the scythe, making me frown, holding the scythe tighter.

"Do it," Chara prompted, "You'd be doing everyone a favour."

Frisk's POV:

"This isn't apart of the plan!" I cried out, Alphys physically holding me back from the door.

"I-I'm sorry, F-F-Frisk, we n-need to l-l-let her die." Alphys tried her best to comfort me.

"She's still my sister!"

I struggled out of her grip, running out of the door and into the area where Sans and the others were, yelling out stop.

I only stopped when I heard another yell, one louder than mine, and from a voice that I could only assume was Toriel's. I could only hear my own cries get louder, now calling out my sister's name.

The world only stopped moving in fast motion and my shouts silenced when I saw crimson. Looking up from the small stream I saw it. I saw Chara lying in Toriel's arm's, human, bleeding. Dead. And Sans standing to the right, scythe dripping with fresh blood, and Papyrus looking shocked to the left.

I ran up to Toriel and looked at my sister, vision blurry with tears.

"C-Chara. . .?" I asked, falling to my knees, taking her into my arms.

"C-Chara?" I rasied my voice, panic rising in my throat.

"Y-You're. . . N-No, s-she's just sleeping, r-right? S-She just h-had a nose bleed, r-right?!" I tried to convince anyone, especially myself, that she wasn't really gone. Despite all the suffering, despite the hatred, despite the heartache, she was still my sister.

Then I broke down. I put my head in her lap and cried, holding her as close as I did on the night's that she had nightmares. I pulled her closer than the night's our parent's fought, closer than the night that Death himself had come for her.



This was his fault.

A/N: Hello! Sorry for not updating for so long, but I am officially on summer update schedule. Which means that I will update whenever I can. I'll try and keep some consistency with the updates but I make no promise, for, in summer, I have no sense of time whatsoever.

Thank you for waiting for this update! And also cliffhanger. Please don't hurt me.

Anonymous Glitch: Out.

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