Part Twelve: How Dare

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Sans' POV:

I heard an ear piercing scream and followed that, running as fast as I could. The blurred moon loomed overhead. I didn't have much time, and based on the screaming, neither did Frisk.

My setting bone and other wounds hurt and stung, screaming at me to turn around and leave it be, but I could not leave it be. I loved it.

Another scream and I felt myself run faster, a growing urge to help her, to make sure that she lived. I would not allow Chara to cause any more pain.

Frisk's POV:

I screamed again, the pain blurring my vision. I could feel the blood trickling down my back, my dislocated arm straining muscle I didn't even know I had.

"Give up yet?" Chara taunted me, still smiling.

I said nothing but tried to shake my head no. She frowned and narrowed her eyes at me, and I choked down a scream as she pulled on my bad arm.

"I'll break the other one." She threatened.

I coughed a little bit, a little bit of blood, but mumbled, "You do what you want. . . And then go to hell. . ."

She giggled and then took my other arm, snapping it. I screamed again and the ends of my vision became even more blackened and I could not see clearly anymore. I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness.

I expected something else, another taunt, more pain, but all I heard was a grunt from Chara. I weakly looked over and saw her body flying away, a dark blue aura around her. She hit a wall and stayed down, her breathing rash.

I looked over as I heard footsteps, echoing in and out because of the pain and saw skeletal legs. He was limping.

"Sa. . . San. . ." I tried, but he hushed me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I heard Chara yell a little bit and heard her footsteps, and I closed my eyes, but a few seconds later found myself shivering a little bit and then comfortably warm.

I opened my eyes, confused.

Looking around, my vision very blurred and every movement sending a string of pain through my body I figured out that we were in a house.

"Where. . ."

"We're at my place. I-I'm going to go and get Papyrus, okay? And Toriel. Just stay here, okay?" He said, looking at me with concern, something I never expected from him.

I gave him a faint nod and he ran up the stairs, surprisingly not faltering at all. I heard the conversations of people woken suddenly and then saw Toriel run down, followed by Papyrus a few seconds later. Sans was the last one down and they all looked equally concerned.

"W-What do we do?" Toriel asked, her voice quiet with worry?

Papyrus put his head down and shook it, "SHE'S IN A LOT OF PAIN. . . I-I'D SAY WE. . . WE. . ." He was somewhat quiet.

"No! Never!" Toriel burst out.

My vision was coming in and out now.


"Why must innocents die?" Life shouted back.

"Both of you quiet, please!" Sans snapped.

The room grew silent, excluding my pained noises, which I couldn't really control.

"Papyrus. . ." His voice had grown even lower, almost like a whisper, "I-I think. . . I-I think that. . ."

"No! I will not let this happen!" Toriel shouted, taking a step in front of me, her hands tense as fists at her side.

"Toriel, stop! You know that this is for the best. Stop refusing just because you feel guilt for not helping a kid ten years ago! Your guilt is not stronger than her pain!" Sans snapped.

Toriel looked hurt, "How dare you. How dare you say that to me!"

"S. . . S. . . Sto-o-op. . ." I managed, my throat burning with pain, and a taste of ion rose in my throat.

"SANS, JUST. . . TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Papyrus said, sounding defeated.

"You will not--!" She gasped as she was sent across the room via magic, making me want to stand up, to move to do something, but instead I just painfully fell to the ground.

"Sans, how d--" She made a strangled struggling noise and I looked over to see chains over her arms and torso, weighing her down, looking slightly painful.

"S-S-Sto-op!" I cried out.

"Papyrus just. . . Give her a painless death. . ." Sans said, looking more down than ever.

"Stop this right now, Sans! We can heal her! We can save her! You don't have to do this!" Toriel's strangled protests began to be muffled as my vision blurred further.

I saw Papyrus lean down and reach his hand out, Toriel's cries getting louder in the background.

His hands reached onto my neck, which he reached under, pulling me closer. Sans suddenly sat beside me, clenching my hand, holding his breath, and Papyrus said something.

I couldn't make it out, but then he jerked his hands, and the world went black.

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