Anastasia Molchanova (*Harry Potter*)

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Full First Name: Anastasia Ivanovna Molchanova

Nicknames: Ana, Nastenka, Nastya

Song: Elastic Heart by Sia

Birthday: November 15th, 1980

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Year: Same as Harry/Hermione/Ron

House: Ravenclaw

Blood Status: Pureblood

Father: Ivan Molchanov

Mother: Larissa Molchanova

Ethnicity: Russian

Sexuality: Lesbian/Homosexual

Wand: 12'', black, yew, flexible, core of dragon heartstring

Friends: Golden Trio, Weasley Twins, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Cho, every Ravenclaw, most Gryffindors

Best Friends: Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter

Love Interest: Hermione Granger

Enemies: Every Slytherin student on the face of the planet

Appearance: Anastasia has long chocolaty brown hair to her breasts. Her bangs are swept to the right and sometimes cover her eyes. Normally, her hair is down and in a tangled, ungroomed, messy state. However, when she is down in the Chamber of Secrets, in the Battle at the Ministry, during multiple parts during the Prisoner of Azkaban, all throughout the seventh book and during the Battle of Hogwarts, her hair is pulled back into a braid or a ponytail, done by Hermione. Her eyes are a crisp, sharp, cerulean blue color and she has light, fair, clean skin, more on the paler side. She sometimes wears glasses to see far away, but other than that wears contacts. When she is not in her school uniform, she wears a dark blue jacket over a white t shirt, dark denim jeans, black converse, and a black headband in her hair.

Personality: Outgoing and positive, lively, energetic, she also sometimes quiet and shy. She's a free spirit who couldn't care less what other people think about her, she's incredibly charismatic, charming, and flattering. She's adventurous and ambitious, but also analytical and observant. Impossibly smart, quick and logical thinker, and much much much more powerful than she looks. She is also very very strong, trained in all sorts of martial arts, and knows how to use a variety of both magic and muggle weapons. She can be incredibly sarcastic and sometimes bitter and mean, and comes off as mysterious and secretive to those she has just met. She's generally very sweet, but she is also quite mischievous and breaks the rules frequently. She's very carefree and doesn't give a single damn about what people think about her. Because she is so powerful, many Ravenclaw students and some students from the other houses are rather intimidated by Anastasia . She is undoubtedly a very powerful person, with lots of magical potential. She's fiercely independent and rather distant from people in general, only allowing a very small handful of people close to her. She would never ask for help she didn't need, but would help other people before helping herself. Her character flaws include anger and impulsiveness; however, Anastasia is also innately honourable. She's not a cruel girl. She's competitive, and she's a fighter. She doesn't just lie down and take abuse. She's a normal girl but with those qualities most of us really admire. For the most part, Anastasia shows humility and modesty. It's said that she has the temper of an English person and the aura of a Russian.

Life After Hogwarts:

- Fights in Battle of Hogwarts

- Kills Bellatrix and three other Death Eaters

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