I smiled, finishing the last of her toes, I blew on them lightly,

"There...all done."  I said as I screwed the cap back on the bottle. 

She surveyed my work, sitting up to look down at her toes,

"Well done, Sir."  She said as she lifted my face so she could kiss my mouth.

I pushed myself up onto my hands and crawled forward, easing her onto her back.  She giggled against my mouth,

"Gonna mess up all your hard work."

I shrugged as I pulled back,

"So I'll redo it."

I stared at her for a moment, memorizing each line on her face.  She lifted her nose to nuzzle my cheek,

"Been home for two weeks and I still feel like you just got home yesterday."

I knew the feeling.  I had been insatiable myself, more than I usually was, which was saying something since I felt like sometimes Emily tired of me constantly pawing at her.  However, she seemed to be just as insatiable as I was lately.  And I loved every second of it.

She let her head fall back to the pillow, her eyes searching mine.  She knew something was up even if I wasn't verbalizing it,

"What is it, My Love?"  She asked.

She sounded so earnest.  So interested.  She really wanted to know.

But I couldn't do it.  I couldn't ruin this perfect moment to talk about something I knew made her uncomfortable.

So I stayed quiet.

"Just happy to get some alone time with you, Em."

She didn't believe me and I could easily tell.  But I wasn't about to ruin this perfect quiet moment.  We didn't get many of them with two rambunctious kids running around. 

So I kissed her, hard and heavy.  In the hopes that my kiss would drown out her doubts and my thoughts.


Moments spent with Lucy were few and far between lately.  It always seemed like she was running off somewhere.  So when she tapped on my arm to lift her onto the counter while I made dinner in the kitchen, I knew it was going to be one of those rare nights when I got to really talk to my baby girl.

She picked up my phone, which seemed huge in her tiny hands and started to tap away at things. 

Emily quietly folded laundry at the kitchen table while Lucy launched into a million questions about things she found on my phone.

Lucy smacked her lips together, her feet lightly kicking against the cupboards below her,

"What's this daddy?"  She asked as she held up my phone to show a picture of Niall trying to skateboard.

"Your Uncle Niall trying to prove he's not old."  I answered.

Emily snickered and shook her head as she shot me a look.

Lucy swiped a few times and held up my phone again.  She gasped suddenly,

"When did you meet Ariana Grande?"

I turned to look at her,

"Long time ago, Baby.  Daddy wrote a song for her."

In Lucy's world, the fact that I was a rockstar didn't phase her.  I was her father and as far as she was concerned that was it.  But now that I knew Ariana Grande, well I was cooler than cool.  She pulled the lollipop she'd been sucking on out of her mouth,

The Adoption - Until I Find You Again // Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now