Chapter 8

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I deserve cookies for the amount of chapters I'm writing 😑 however, since you can't send me cookies via Wattpad, some nice comments would do 😏 longbottomology I see you fangirling in the corner 👀


Aludra's original plan was to not speak to Harry or Ron for at least a week, but she knew she couldn't hold a grudge against them for so long. Hermione, on the other hand, was absolutely furious and had told Aludra several times that morning as she was getting dressed that the boys wouldn't be hearing from her for a long time. Secretly, Aludra knew they would be happy since they thought Hermione was nothing but an insufferable know-it-all. Despite their opinions, however, Aludra did quite like Hermione. Her resilience was admirable and she always thought to do the right thing, even when the end result may be looking certain death in the six eyes (or worse, as she said, expulsion).

As Aludra went to sit with Harry and Ron at breakfast, she heard them talking about last night's adventure.

"It's either really valuable or really dangerous," said Ron.

"Or both," said Harry.

"You two seriously aren't still talking about the horrendous night we had, are you?" Aludra asked, folding her arms. "And you're lucky I'm even talking to you! I really should be like Hermione, and refuse to look at you,"

"Hermione we don't care about," Harry said, Ron nodding in agreement. "But you, we actually like."

"We're sorry for not listening to you," Ron apologised. "Really, it would have saved us a lot of trouble if we did."

"But then we wouldn't have had the adventure of a lifetime," Harry noted. Aludra looked at him as if he were insane.

"Don't tell me you that you actually enjoyed coming face to face with an evil three-headed dog?" she demanded. Harry cracked a grin.

"Of course not, but overall it was quite fun. Admit it, it was a huge adrenaline rush running away from Filch. And did you hear Ron scream when we saw that thing-?"

"Excuse me, but you sounded like a five-year-old girl when you screamed, mate." Ron butted in.

"I already know I sounded like a banshee," Aludra snickered, covering her mouth with her hand. She was right - she really couldn't stay mad at them.

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