12-Hawaii Central

Start from the beginning

"Um hello stranger I dont know. Anyways, mom I need twenty dollars for the movies. Pepper and I are having a movie date tonight." Max said before plopping on the couch next to me. He smelt really good actually.

"I am not letting you go out tonight. We are going to have a family meeting. Your father is bringing his bussiness partner over for a meeting so dont bother him tonight."

They kept bickering until Maxwell gave up. I wish I had a moment like this to share with my mother. But I did have had them with my father. Max got up and left the room feeling sort of upset. While Dakota and mom were conversating I poked my belly. My belly button that was inside my navel is now poking out which is really cool.

"Isabella can you take Dakota shopping. Your car is the cherry red one." Mom asked, tossing my a pair of car keys. I glanced down at them then looked at Dakota.

"Where is the closest mall?"


"Liam calm down! Maybe she is having lady problems. She would call if something was wrong." Louis stressed for the 17484920th time. But its hard to not stress out. Issa hasnt called in almost a week and now I see them walk in and out of a maternity clinic. Rumors are saying she is pregnant. Also somehow information about her being raped got out. So everyone on Twitter knows what happened. Her last post on twitter was:

@I_love_Me_123: going away for a while. Haters hate. Hoe always on the flo' and need some mo' dough. Dont judge a book by its cover because you never know whats inside.

Even when I called Lalli and asked whats going on she just declined my knowledge of things, she just says dont believe in photoshop and nonsense. Alexandria hasnt been help at all. After telling her that we arent any thing anymore she twitter bombed me. Now the Alex-nation are attacking me with hurtful words. Its really immature if you think.


Dakota and I walked around the store holding at least 5 bags each. First we went to Hollister and bought some clothes. Then we went hay-wire in Victoria Secrets. Now we are heading to a store Deedee recommended. She didnt tell me the.name because she wants it to be a suprise.

"Okay dont be mad if I got this all wrong. I just though that.." She trailed of when we stepped infront of the store. My mouth gaped open in shock. She brought me to a maternity store. I thought this shirt made my stomach not as noticable. It was the largest shirt I had in my closet.

"You can really tell?" I giggled, holding my belly. She squealed and pulled me into her arms. I smiled at my little sister. She is the best sister I could possibly have. Even though she is only a Junior in high school she is a very mature girl.

I pulled her into the store and started shopping. She found me a cute maxi dress that will show off my bump. Its amazing but I cant wear it till I make the pregnancy announcement.

"Hey Isabella you would look so cute in this!" Dakota squealed. Suprisingly I smiled at the sound of my name. Its probably the first time in a decade. In her hands was a yellow t-shirt that was white stripes and black jeggings that seemed loose.

"I would wouldnt I? How about we buy it and head home. Isnt your dad going to be home any minute?" I asked. Her eyes bulged out her eye sockets in a microsecond. "I-its already 8 o'clock?!" She screeched. I slowly nodded in confusion. Without saying another word she dropped the clothes to the ground and bolted. I chased after her, screaming her name. People were glancing at us like we were sick twisted freaks. When I caught up to her she was standing by the car shaking.

I unlocked the car and dove into the drivers seat. "What the fuck was that Dakota?! I could of hurt the baby or something!" I yelled. She didnt reply back though. She just punched different buttons on her phone. I breathed in deep as I pulled into the driveway.

"If father tells you to do something than do it. If you dont obey he will punish you." Deedee whispered before stepping out the car. Those words replayed in mymind as we walked into the house. The only thing you could hear was the sound of silverware hitting plates. Everyone was sitting at the table, even two guys, one I presume is my step father.

"Dakota Hill Smith where the hell have you been!" A guy with black hair and blonde highlights yelled. I cowarded back but no one else did. This reminds me of mothers second husband. He would say the exact same thing.

"Sorry sir. Mom said Isabella could take me shopping." Dakota queered. I pulled her into my chest, afraid she would fall under pressure. This guy must be my step-dad, and at this rate I can already tell we arent going to get along.

"Gosh your a fucking idiot. I swear the doctor was wrong when he said you werent retarted. Both of you sit the hell down before I beat you with a whip." He growled. Instantly Dakota pulled out my arms and sat down. I didnt though. This guy just threatened to beat me. Thats a serious no-no.

"Excuse me sir but that is no way to talk to your kids." I sassed with all my might.

"Isabella please just sit down." Mom whispered. Obeying, I sat down at the empty seat which was next to Max.

We all kept to ourselves as we ate dinner. I didnt dare to look at anyone as I ate the pasta. Im afraid if I do I will be slaughtered instantly. This was not how my Winter break was suppose to go at all.

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