4-Regret Pt.2

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Sorry for the long wait. Mid-Term takes a lot out of me.


Alexandria and I are making out when someone calls my phone. She groaned at the sudden interruption. I pecked her lips before grabbing the phone off the table.


"Um its Lalli. Have you heard from from Issa? We had a fight but she would never not call me."

"Hey Lalli-"

"Answer the question."

"Well not since 4pm your time but she was fine. What happened to her?"

"I dont know whats going on! Im worried she is in trouble."

"O-okay I will get the first plane ticket out."

"Thanks Li."

"Anything for Issa."

I hung up the phone and quickly ran to the living room. My laptop should be in the kitchen still. Alex followed my trail. "What's going on? Who is Polli and Lisa?" She asked. I looked up from Google to respond. "Its Lalli and Issa. And Issa is missing so I must fly to New York." Mumbling the answer.

"Well you seem to care for her than me."

"Alexandria it isnt like that okay! This is not the time to be complaining."

She sighed and gave up on being upset. Once my plane was booked I packed a small suitcase for the trip. Alex just looked at her phone's screen. I gazed upward to see tears falling out her eyes.

"Alex whats wrong?" I asked in corncer. She wiped the tears away and stood up. "Your fans hate me! One fan just said Im a cunt on meth. I refuse to handle this." Great. Another Danielle.


I wake up with a pounding headache and a bruised body. Instead of being inside the unknown house I was in a alley. It was raining slightly and my body was shivering. I limped my naked body out of the wet alley into the street. No one was in sight at the moment. But I did notice the threw me off by the creamerie. Eveything started to become hazy as I stepped inside.

Jan was closing up the shop for the night. I should have helped her but I was busy being raped. When the bell rung she lifted her head. She gasped and ran towards me. My legs buckled once she got to me. All I could do was cry. I feel violated and useless.

"Oh my gosh! Im calling 911!"

I weakly grabbed my head as she sat me in a chair. It was pounding non-stop. Im most likely to pass out any minute. Jan ran to the counter to grab her phone. Tears were still pouring out my eyes. My insides felt raw. Maybe from the rough beating I got.

A few minutes later Jan ran back over to me with a wet towel. She cleaned me up, which may I say was very painful. After we cried together until the ambulance came.


I walked up the steps of the police station. Lalli said she would be here waiting. Which she was. She was crying herself to death in front a a police officer. I jogged up to then with a concern demeanor.

I lightly tapped Lalli's shoulder, she spun around imediately. "S-she was r-" Lalli couldnt finish because she wrapped her arms around me. What was she trying to tell me. There are so many 'R' words in the dictionary. "What happened Lalli. I need to know this!" I comanded. "She was raped."

My breath caught in the back of my throat. Issa was raped. She was fucking raped! What low life dick could do such a vile thing? This precious girl lost her virginity-- I think- to a pedophile. I promise, if its the last thing I do, I will find this jerk and kill him.


I groaned as a vomit feeling came upon me again. But nothing ever came out. More of a dry heaving motion really. Jan was by my side the whole time while I got a rape kit. It was the worst experience in a life time. Being pricked and poked isnt very fun, especially if you are now afraid of every living mammal.

The R.V.C. (rape victim councelor) came in to talk to me. She recomended I visit a therapist for now on. No therapist can fix what happened to me. I was raped--tortured! A 1 hour session cant fix that.

Right now I was laying in this uncomfortable bed in a uncomfortable gown. I couldnt sleep one ounce. My body just wont relax. Even when the doctor gave me sleeping pills I couldnt sleep. Jan although, is sleeping like a baby--for the past 5 hours to be exact.

Someone knocked on my hospital room door. I gave them the okay before the person stepped in. In came Lalli and Liam. Suprising because Liam should be in London. Lalli's aburn hair looked like a rats nest; makeup looked even worse but. She pulled me into a tight hug and cried her eyes out. I patted her back softly while staring at Liam. He looked upset, sad and disgusted all at once. Jan yawned and sat up in the leather chair. She excused herself while the rest of us reunite.

"I am so sorry I kicked you out the house. Y-you can come back if you want. I could even order that cooking set you are dying to have. Maybe even-"

I slightly giggled at Lalli's ranting. She didnt need to get that stupid cooking set in order to buy my friendship. This girl will always be my best friend! Not even my mother could get that much respect.

"Lalli you dont need to do any of that." I squeezed her hand as a reassurance method. "I am happy that you came for me. Even Liam flew from London to come see me!" Liam perked up at the mention of his name. I weakly smiled as he kissed my forehead.

"Could you give Issa and I some privacy please Lalli?" Liam quietly asked. She complied and stepped out the room. Liam took a seat by my knee and rubbed my thigh. My breath hitched in fear. Scott I fucking hate you for making me like this!

"I cant believe that dick head did that to you. Who can do such a thing to a precious girl like you?!" He snapped. I coward back, afraid of his demeanor. When he saw my fright he mentally calmed down but physically not so much. Before I could say anything the doctor stepped in. She had a mourning look on her face.

"Issa I have some bad news."

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