11- Gitchy Gitchy Goo!

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"Hello Ms. Young! How are you today?" The lady asked, putting latex gloves on. She grabbed a clipboard and gazed at it.

"Im good I guess." I shrugged. Doctor lady took that as a sign I didnt want to be here. There is no point of me being here though. I cant have kids. The doctor has already told me this.

"So I heard you want to see if you're pregnant." She stated.

"Thats what my friend wants to know. But my primary doctor says I cant." I whispered. This was not suppose to happen. I was never suppose to step inside a maternity clinic. Not unless Lalli got pregnant or something. This was all too much for me to handle.

"Well there is a possible chance she could be wrong. How about I give you a ultrasound?" She suggested to me.

I nodded, giving into this meaningless process.


I looked up to the tv screen above me. Everyhthing was black and white with fuzz. But in the middle was a small little shape. Something you would hold very carefully. It was in a tiny sack that protected it.

"What is that small bean shape there?" I asked the doctor. As she moved the wand around I could see a head. A head that connected to a body w-with arms and l-legs!

"Well Ms.Young that is your baby girl or boy. Congrats!"

I covered my mouth in fright. If Im pregnant that means Scott or Kris can be the father. Tears ran down my eyes as I stared at my child. Even though it was a tiny precious gem I still loved it with every ounce.

"So they're options that you need to consider." The doctor sighed. She crossed her legs and put her dainty fingers on the tip of her knee caps. "You mean abortion and adoption right?" I asked. She nodded comfirming my theory.

"Isabella you are a bright young woman. I think your best option would be abortion. You arent capable of a baby hun. Life-"

"No. Im keeping my baby. Even if I dont know who the father is I still want him or her! How dare you tell me what my options are? Ugh. Im leaving!" I grumpily said.

When I entered the waiting room my anger suddenly vanished. I totally snapped on that woman for no reason. Must be my jacked up hormones. Lalli jogged over to me and pulled me into a big hug. "What did she say?"she mumbled in my hair.

Instead of responding I handed her the ultrasound picture. It took her a long time to register but soon she understood. "Im so sorry Issa!" She cried. I wiped my tears away and grabbed her hand. "Dont be sorry Lalli. This baby is a miracle. Now lets go home. I need to pack if Im going to go visit my mother."

Author Note:

I havent done one of these in a while. Well how is everyone? Im doing pretty jazzy myself. Boy problems as usual, nothing different.

So is everyone suprised that Isabella is pregnant? I know I pretty much gave it away with her vomitting and stuff. So next chapter she is going to Hawaii to visit her mother. Do you want the mother to be mean or nice. Step-dad mean or nice? Also do you want a couple of her siblings to meet her? I dont know yet. Im literally on a bus going to second period. I have two different high schools. Dont ask.

Um I forgot what I was going to say. Oh yeah who do you want the father to be? Kris or Scott?

Who do you ship?




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