Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

I nod. "It's not silly at all. I have thought about it too."

"England has proven to be a place of heartbreak for us... I can't risk hurting us further, I won't."

I look up, somehow able to see his eyes in the dark. "We can withstand anything now, Henry. We have a baby to think of."

"I know," he whispers. I hear the worry. I rub his chest, sighing.

"Henry, I will be behind you in whatever choice you make. Whether it's staying here or leaving... do what you think is right."


"It's only been three days," Henry complains as I push open the door, needing fresh air. I feel a spring in my step, so much better than I've felt in over a week. "The doctor said-"

"The doctor said I'd need a few days of rest... I need to feel fresh air. Please, Henry," I murmur, stepping onto the veranda, a shawl wrapped around my shoulders. I hear him close the doors behind him and I turn.

He holds up his hands. "I'm doing this begrudgingly, just so you know."

I grin when he takes my hand and we begin our path for the steps.


I stare at the sun setting over the vineyards, enjoying the hard feel of Henry beneath my cheek. Both of us on the bench swing on the veranda, my head is on his thigh, my body sprawled out over the wood.

My eyes begin to close drowsily, feeling Henry's fingers grazing softly through my hair, in a calm repetitive motion. After a day just being with him, walking and talking in this perfect place, I'm content.

I turn, looking up at him. He smiles down warmly at me. I sit up then and move towards him. His grin widens when I settle myself on him, resting my head on his shoulder, my hands clenched together against his chest. His arms around me squeeze slightly, his cheek pressed against my hair.

My eyes close, a smile lighting up my face.

"I love you," I whisper.

He hums, contentedly. "I love you, Mia."


Richard leans back, resting his napkin on his lap. What little remaining of dinner is on the table. "Well, I'm certainly glad you're feeling better, Mia. A viral infection... that can be dangerous."

I wonder briefly if he's upset my illness didn't take a turn for the worse. But I smile anyway, glancing over to Henry. "I was well taken care of."

Richard looks outside the window, nodding. It's his last night here. He's leaving for England tonight. I know he's waiting on Henry, to see what his decision is. I'm waiting too, unsure of what he'll choose.

"This place is truly beautiful. Mom and Dad were happy here."


"The story of the affair came out right after we were here... She left then, right?"

I stare down into my iced tea. Affair?

Henry inhales, leaning back. "Believe so. You were older than I was."

"Yeah, she must have. I think she passed right after that... It must be nice to surround yourself with such memories."

Henry doesn't answer, but tilts his head. "How's Nicole?"

"She's Nicole. Always moving. She's having the bedrooms in the palace remodeled at the moment... it takes up a good deal of her time."

"No doubt she's spending every last cent of the crown's money on it."

Richard smirks. "I had to cut her off, actually."

Henry shakes his head, smirking as well. It's strange how alike they look when they smile. Henry glances at me, momentarily and something in his expression changes. He looks back to his older  brother, breathing in.

"We're going to stay in France, Richard... We're going to stay here."

My eyes widen in surprise, but I look down, trying to conceal my relief. I had been hoping... When I look back up, Richard is staring, silently. He looks just as stunned as I do.

Henry sits forward. "And I made this decision. Mia gave me the choice. So, if you were going to blame her..."

"I wasn't," Richard says, calmly. He stares at Henry. "I know there is much discord between us still. I don't deny it."

Henry looks at me, pressing his lips together. I know this is hard for him.

"I care for you, Richard. Despite everything... and I truly do care for England. But, my life is now here. I can feel it."

Richard nods. "I understand... I would like you to know that you are welcome back into England at any time... I would actually prefer it."

Henry nods, politely. "Thank you, Richard."

This is the first time I've ever been around them both when they haven't been about to tear each others throats out. Richard stands, glancing to me as Henry and I stand with him, uncomfortably.

"I have acted abominably to you, Miss Tyler and I am truly sorry for it."

I shake my head, holding up my hands. "Please, call me Mia, Your Majesty... and thank you."

"Richard," he states, with a nod. I blink back my surprise as we walk behind him towards the front door.

"Call at any time, Richard," Henry says as Richard shrugs on his coat. "About anything... I am still here for you."

Richard nods, somewhat sadly and turns, making his way down the steps towards the large van in the driveway surrounded by other cars and large men in suits. When the vehicles pull away, exiting the gate, I turn, rushing into Henry's body, embracing him tightly.

"Did I make the right decision?" he asks, breathless from my grip. I hear his smile. I pull back as his arm comes around me, lifting me to him. He grins up at me as I wrap my thighs around his hips, clasping his face.

"I hope you didn't do this only for me," I whisper, smiling as he turns, taking us inside. He shakes his head, pressing his lips to mine gently.

"I did it for our family."

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