What the hell.

"I didn't sleep with Jack, where the hell did you get that from?"

"That's what Jack told us."

I was so mad, I could barley contain myself.

I calmly walked into the living room.

"Jack, can I please have a word with out in the hallway?"

He got up off the floor and followed me outside of Logan apartment. The door shut.

"WHAT THE HELL?! Why are you telling people we slept together?!"

"I only told Zach that. He was so depressed after loosing you. It made him feel better."

"Okay, but now I look like a huge fucking slut! I can't believe you!"

I walked inside and shut the door leaving him out there. I walked back to my spot and placed myself there.

Dani leaned over and whispered to me.
"What just happened?"

"Just so you know, I didn't sleep with Jack, okay? It was all a lie to make Zach feel better about cheating on me." I whispered angrily.

"I know you, I know you would never cheat on anyone. Especially with an ex."

"Thank you Daniel." I said as I leaned my head back on his shoulder.
We finished the movie and Jack still hadn't come back into the apartment. I was preparing to go home when Zach stopped me.

"You can't be pissed at Jack okay? This is all my fault. I know how I get when I drink and I still got carried away. I love you, and I know you don't want to hear it but I can't go 5 seconds without thinking about how worthless I am, and how stupid I was to do anything with her. I'm sorry."

I was so overwhelmed. And I was over being the nice one.

"You know what, whatever. Who cares if you cheated on me. I don't. Fuck it, maybe I did sleep with Jack. We were all so wasted that no one can remember anything, except for the root of all my problems, fucking Chloe!" I slowly raised my voice until I was yelling.

He didn't say anything, he didn't move. Neither did anyone else, everyone just stared at me.

"What?! You all think I'm a fucking slut anyways. I don't even know why I was invited here in the first place."

I grabbed my purse and phone and stormed out of the apartment. I called an uber to take me home.

I began crying, I slid down the wall outside of Logans apartment.

"Your not a slut." I heard a voice say from the other side of the door frame.

Shit, I forgot Jack was out here. I wiped my tears, took a deep breath, and looked at him.

"That's not what everyone else thinks."

"Mackenzie, I know you. We all do. All of us are known as fuck ups, except for you. Your perfect, even when your crying you look fucking perfect." He began laughing.

"That's sweet." I said while laughing and sniffling.
"But I'm not the girl you think I am. I've done some bad things, things you couldn't even imagine me doing. But that's why I moved to LA. To move on, and forget everything."

"Im sorry, for even telling him that we slept together. Well while you guys were dating." He winked at me and smiled.

"I'm sorry for screaming at you earlier, I was just so pissed."

He stared at his phone.

"Mack, come here. Now."

I went over to him.

*text from Chloe*
C: hey honey, I know your not done with me. I'm sorry I told you I slept with Zach. He was just so wasted I could tell him anything that happened, even if it was fake. Forgive me? Let's meet tonight.

So he didn't cheat on me..... god I feel horrible.

"I better get going, looks like your busy tonight anyways." I said standing up.

He held out his hand for me to pull him up.

"I'm not seeing her again, not after what she's done to you. I'm sorry for not stopping it earlier. I still wasn't over you."

"Your over me now?" I asked.

"Oh hell no, no one can get over you that easy."

We both laughed and smiled.

At that moment everything went slow. It was just me and him, staring into each others eyes. He began leaning in for a kiss.

Was I ready? No. Did I still love him. Yes. Did I want to kiss him. Hell yes.

I leaned in and kissed him back. It was a long passionate kiss. The kind you see in the movies. I pulled away.

"Goodnight Jack." I said as I began walking away.
I walked to far and his hand slipped out of grip. Falling by his side. I completely turned around and walked down the hallway.

"Your coming back tomorrow right?" He shouted down the hall.

I didn't look back at him, still walking away I shouted back.

"We will see."
{A/N: I wanted to finally get them to stop fighting... man it's been awhile. Also they are flying a fan out??? Interesting.}

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