The crowd cheers as the first period starts. Smith scores on a nice pass from Shaw, but then Crosby and Kunitz both score. We end the first period down two to one. We head back into the locker room a bit down-spirited, but after a Coach Q pep-talk, we're ready to start the second period. We head out and hit the ice. 

Andrew's POV

We're still down two to one with five-minutes left in the second period. The ice girls are cleaning up the ice as I skate around waiting for them to finish. I see Jonny signaling me to come to the bench, so I start skating over. I don't notice the ice girl until I plow into her. She falls over with a little squeal. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say quickly, reaching down my hand to help her up. "Get off of me, jerk." she says, scowling and jumping up. "You probably just wanted to look up my skirt." she says, skating off. "Typical douchebag." "No, no it's not like that," I say skating after her. "I didn't mean to..." I trail off as she steps off the ice and into the ice girls room. She was pretty, even when she was scowling. I think I met her once, because her face looks familiar. Her name is Becca or Bella or something like that. I think she's friends with Laura. I'll have to look for her after the game.

Jonathan's POV

After the second period, we're still down two to one. When we head back into the locker room, I have to get ready for my surprise. I wait until there's ten minutes left and then creep into the storage room to get everything. I change into the suit and poke my head out the door. "Psssst, Sharpie," I whisper, gesturing him to come over. Laura's talking to Coach Q, so she doesn't notice us. "Help me tie this bowtie." I say, handing it over to him. He ties it around my neck, giving me a pat and saying "Good luck man. She's gonna love you again." "I sure hope so, I say." I close the door and wait for the shuffling of players to pass the door. The horn to begin the third period sounds. That's my cue. I told Coach Q to make sure they don't start until I get out there. The whole team is in on what is going on, so I know they won't play until this happens.  I take a deep breath, grab the bouquet of red roses, and head out into the arena. 

Laura's POV

Before we head back in for the second period, Kami and Kayla ambush me. "Hey girl, they're going to interview you before the second period, so you need to put on something nicer than that," Kayla says, gesturing at my outfit. "Uhh, ok... what exactly do you have in mind?" She pulls a light pink floor length dress out from a garment bag. Kami's holding a sparkly clip and she pins back my already curled hair. "Let me just put a little makeup on you," she says. She whips out a case and curls my lashes, applies mascara, and a light gloss. "Go change," Kayla says handing me the dress and a pair of flats. "But," I try to protest. "Nope, go," she says, shoving me towards the bathrooms. I quickly change, wondering what they're up to, and come back out, almost tripping over the gown in the process. "Ohmygosh, you look gorgeous," Kami gushes. I blush, "Thanks, Kami, but don't you think this is not really interview appropriate attire?" "Oh it'll be perfect, she says. "Let's go back outside. We have to go back to our seats in the arena, but they're right behind the bench. See ya later!" They giggle as they leave me standing in the empty lockerroom.

I feel awkward as I walk back to the bench, but none of the guys say anything. I wait for the interviewer to come up, but no one does and the horn sounds for the start of the second period. I hear tapping behind me and I turn around to see Kayla, Kami, and my family waving at me. What are they doing here?The arena goes black when both teams are seated. "What the," I think, before a single spotlight lights up the center of the rink.

Jonathan's standing there with a microphone and a bouquet of roses. He's wearing a suit and his skates. "Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me a moment of your time. A few days ago, something happened to someone I really care about and I want to tell her something. There's no one I love more than her. " He points to the top level of the arena, where Frank Pellico, our organist sits. I hear the opening chords to A Thousand Years start playing. All the boys are out on the ice, lighting it up with the candles in their hands. Jonathan skates over to me, holding out the roses. "Please." he says, begging me to follow him with his eyes. I take his hand and step out onto the ice. One of the boys brought a stool out and we head over to it. I sit down and he hands me the flowers, then starts singing.

Jonathan's POV

I feel shaky when the song starts, but I take a deep breath. 

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave? 

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt suddenly goes away 


One step closer

I have died everyday

Waiting for you

Darling dont be afraid

I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

While I'm singing light pink and white rose petals start raining down on the center of the ice, from the top of the arena. Laura covers her face in shock, gently laughing and shaking her head. I kneel down on one knee as I finish singing. 

And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

"Laura Cappelli, you make me the happiest man on this entire earth. I love you beyond anything else and I couldn't think of anyone I would rather spend the rest of my days with. You know how to make me laugh, how to be a leader, and best of all, how to play hockey." The crowd laughs at that. "I know that a few days ago, something happened and it pulled us apart and these few days without you have been the worst of my life." I pull the black ring box out of my suit coat pocket and open it up. "I don't ever want to spend those days alone again, so I want to ask you a question and I'm hoping you'll say yes.  Will you marry me?" She nods and I take the ring from the box and slip it on her finger. I smile as I look up at her and we kiss, her lips tasting like strawberries. I hear the audience cheering, and the boys are all woo-ing and skating around waving their candles. I feel the butterflies in my stomach leave and they're replaced with a feeling of excitement, a whole new beginning. I've got my love back and she's here to stay. I couldn't ask for anything more than that.  

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