Chapter 4

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I got to class right after Hayes and his friends did. I must've looked like an idiot looking complete lost considering half the class was looking at me. I took my seat without saying a word. Still thinking about earlier,

I took the chance to look at Hayes, man. BLESS HIS DNA.
He caught me,
I gave a quick smile, then looked away.
Now he probably thinks I'm a creep
Good job Althea.

I kept my head looking down on my desk as our teacher came in, Anna came in a few minutes later. She carried a big bag, probably filled with all her clothes.
"Now, everybody. I want everyone to behave when we go on this trip. And to remember that this IS still a school trip and we will all still have to do some work. The times are: wake up at 7 am sharp. And be in bed my 10 pm."
A couple annoyed groans came from the class. Our teacher glared at some students.
I tried hard to keep my laugh to myself.
"Okay, now if you have To go to the bathroom, I suggest you go now, the ride to the camp is about an hour, if you Don't, go to the bus at the front of the school. We will do head count later" Everyone got up from they're seats and took they're bags.
I slowly got my bag and made my way to the front of the school.
I was walking to the bus when I heard a voice behind me, I knew it wasn't Anna because Anna was just ahead of me.
"Peek-a-boo" a voice said,
The voice was raspy but attractive.
That meant it could only be one person..

"Hey" I said, smiling.
"I just wanted to tell you again that you can play volleyball really good, that perfect hit"
"Really? It was far from perfect but thank you though" I gave him a cute smile. Our bodies were close to each other, no one around us paid much attention.
"It was perfect.. Just like many other things about you" he gave me a smirk, then scratched the back of his head, I could see he was embarrassed considering how red his cheeks were getting.
His eyes caught to mine.

It was perfect.. Just like many other things about you...


"Hayes Grier you are one of the most sweetest guys I know" I whispered to myself.
"Why thank you," he said smiling.
"yes,yes you did, you're not very good at whispering" he said,
I rolled my eyes and nudged him in the shoulder as he laughed.
I didn't wanna pull away from this moment, because I loved talking to him, he was just.. Wow.
There was a moment of silence for a minute, he was about to speak, and then our teacher broke the silence
"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY ON THE BUS" he yelled trying to talk over the engine of the bus
Hayes made a disappointed sigh.
"See you later Althea?" He said,
"Of course," I replied.
He gave me another smile before we both went on the bus

I went over to my seat beside Anna, I could feel the smile growing bigger and bigger on my face, my cheeks get redder and redder,
"You okay?" Anna asked, she said smiling at me, she knew what was wrong with me.
"I'm fine" I said, giving up and letting a huge toothy smile appear on my face.
Our teacher did head count and soon enough, the bus took off.
The bus was roomier than I expected. There was even a big room at the back of the bus if any of us needed more leg room, or to relax better. The bathroom was there also, the back area was covered with a huge red curtain for privacy.
Hayes sat 3 rows ahead of me,
I fell asleep for half the trip, when I woke up I really had to go to the bathroom, I basically ran to the back of the bus getting to the restroom,
Once I came out of the restroom, those big blue green eyes said a warm hello.
"Hey" Hayes said, moving closer to me.
"Enjoying the bus ride?" I asked, laughing at him.
"Obviously" the back room had lots of leg area,
"So what are you up to?" He asked,
"A good student would be in her seat, studying" he gave me a smirk and eyed me.
"A good student knows when to go to the bathroom"
Wait. Did I really just say that.
Gosh, althea, you are such an idiot.
"You must be a great student then" he said, moving EVEN MORE CLOSER TO ME. Our faces were really close, i could feel his warm breath on my cheek.

I didn't say I didn't like it though.

He smiled at me, his cheeks were getting warm and red.
I smiled back.
And we just stayed like that for a moment, not doing anything, just enjoying each other's presence, just being around him made me happy,

"Uhm Hayes.. We better get back to our seats before.. Uhm. We get in trouble" I said, trying to pull away from him,
I didn't want to.
"Huh? Oh uh, right" he said, his eyes seemed sad now. He was pulling away from me
"But I'll see you later o--" I was about to say goodbye when the bus hit a big bump.
My body went flying around the room..
Flying into hayes's arms actually.
We both hit the ground,
Before I could say anything, our faces were in front of each other again,
But this time, so were our lips.
His soft lips pressed against mine,
We stayed like that for at least 10 seconds. I would know,
I was counting.
His lips were warm, a sweet kiss.
I didn't wanna get up.
As our lips pulled back from each other's our eyes were in full contact.
"Oh my god, Hayes? Are you okay?"
He laughed.
"Of course I am" he said smiling. "What about you?"
"Oh I'm fine"
Thank god there was a curtain there and no one could hear us because of the bumpy roads.
"Hayes.. We should.."
"Oh yeah, right sorry"
We got up, still close to each other.
"See you later?" He asked, exiting the red curtain first.
"Later," I said.
What just happened.
I could feel myself screaming of joy inside me, I left the back room a few minutes after Hayes and want back to my seat, as I was walking to my seat, Hayes turned to look around,
He winked at me then looked forward again,
I felt my stomach have butterflies.

Could hayes Grier like me???

Anna was asleep, of course, the minute I have news to tell her she's fast asleep, I decided to take that as an advantage and use that time to scream inside of me.
For the rest of the ride I tried hard to get the stupid smile off my face, and to stop my cheeks from getting redder and redder. It worked a bit.
But I didn't forget what happened,,

I, Althea,
Have just kissed
Hayes Grier.

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