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Her long brown hair was now in a tangled mess, dirt covered her face and the white dress she was wearing was torn and blood and dirt caked it. The rain came down heavily as the young girl ran towards the basement of the day house and when she knocked the door opened and she saw the one man she had missed dearly. He ushered her inside and when she turned around he engulfed her in a hug. "Where have you been Claire?" he spoke, tears falling from his black orbs. "Shane sold me out to the vampires he was cheating on me with and they kidnapped me." she spoke. He nodded and embraced her once again in a tight squeeze. "Shower and change, while I'll tell the others." she nodded and grabbed some fresh towels and one of his shirts and his briefs and slipped inside the small bathroom.

She stripped down from the dirty clothes and turned the tap, instantly warm water hit her naked body as she stood under it, running her fingers through her dirty hair. After twenty minutes of applying shampoo and conditioner, and scrubbing herself clean she finally turned the tap of and grabbed the towel and dried herself before she changed. When she came out all her friends looked up in disbelief before they embraced her in a hug. Even the father figure she grew to love was glad she was back.

When they drew away she smiled and headed into the kitchen, but groaned when she saw nothing but blood. Her stomach grumbled and her father figure left to get food.
Her mother figure went to get her clothes so they could go on the journey they planned if something went wrong.

When they came back she dived into the food first, eating like an animal for she hadn't eaten in the months of her disappearance. "Slow down Claire no one's going to take it." her old sister spoke. She didn't and thirty minutes passed when she finally slowed, but never ceased. When she did stop her boss swiped the food away that was left on her face and then slowly he hugged her the most.

Everyone knew he was the most effected by her disappearance, and now that she was back, they knew they would be inseparable. Slowly he drew and she changed once more before they climbed into the two cars, from then on their journey together would only cause the feelings that have been hidden away for years to finally shoe it's true colours.

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