Once More Unto the Breach

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The path was colder than Enya had expected, and much higher than it appeared. Her ribs ached and pinched as she struggled to maintain steady breathing while they climbed the mountainside. She was sorely tempted to take another of the healing potions Cassandra had given her but given their destination, she thought better of it.

No one spoke during the long ascent, not even when Varric slipped on a sheet of smooth ice concealed under the snow. Solas had merely reached out and grabbed the dwarf's elbow to steady him. Varric nodded and then the continued up the long slope. Only when they reached a series of wooden platforms and ladders that had seen better days did anyone utter a word.

"Our target should be just ahead. A cave of sorts, that passes through the mountain." Cassandra commented.

Enya grasped the ladder and started up.

"What is this tunnel that we must pass through? What is its purpose?" Solas called out to the human warrior as she started up the ladder.

"It was a mining complex. They dot these hills like livestock." She replied.

"You think the scouts may still be inside?" Varric called up.

"If they are smart, they would be better to stay in there than out in the open. And I don't expect Leliana's people to be untrained." Cassandra replied.

With tense air, Solas commented, "Let us not forget that they may not be in the tunnel of their own volition. It could be that they are held there against their will."

Cassandra's response was weary, resigned. Enya wondered then how many times she had been on missions like this, humoring her companion's words while charging on herself, with little care for the danger that lay ahead. At least it seemed that way. They zigzagged through the series of old stone and weathered wood, moving upward as quickly as they dared.

Enya crested the top of their climb first and spotted the arched entrance of the tunnel just to her left. She moved forward a few steps but then hesitated. She knew how to wield a sword, but these demons were more than anything she had encountered. If armed and trained scouts could not handle them, it was unlikely she could do much damage herself. Cassandra was the first of her party to reach the top of the climb, and she came to stand by her prisoner. Enya loosed the greatsword from her back as Cassandra drew her blade. There was a click as Varric snapped a bolt into his crossbow. A burst of bluish light surrounded them. They turned the corner and entered the cavern.

When they stepped out the other side of the cavern, it was to relative silence. The part of Enya's mind embroiled with the deaths of the demons under her blade thus far tried hard to shake her resolve but she pushed it away. They were demons, fallen through the Breach to destroy the fabric of Thedas. They did nothing but attack and kill.

Cassandra stopped them a ways down the path with a wave of her hand. Enya spotted the blood, a bright crimson orange across the snow, a trail leading to a hedge. She knew before Cassandra rose what it meant.

"A scout, one of the party we sent up here." She turned back to them, "They were not as lucky as we were."

Enya bowed her head, eyebrows knitted together in consternation.

"We cannot determine the fate of the whole party based on one body," Solas' voice rang out clearly, "Some may yet be alive." He paused and Enya followed his gaze up toward the sky, "But the Breach must be our priority. If we do not meet with them on our way, we cannot afford the time it would take to search for them."

Enya seemed to be the only person who found this statement callous, for both Varric and Cassandra nodded their agreement and set off again. The elven warrior bit her lip and then followed, hooking the sword onto her back again as she did. She needn't have worried that they would leave the rest of the scout party behind on the mountain at the mercy of demons, for halfway down into the valley encountered them, cornered behind a jagged tear in the veil. At first it seemed the demons were no different than the first, wraiths and shades, but then there emerged two taller creatures with long limbs and tails. Their voices were hideous grating screams that assaulted her elven ears. She tried not to shy away from the noise and swung her sword before her with all the strength she could muster.

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