"Yea I know them, well know of them. I had never actually met them until now." Stiles started as the his 'backstory' started forming in his head.

"I knew their children when I was younger but I haven't seen them for a very, very long time. I guess they are looking for their kids."

"There looking for their kids by kidnapping and interrogating innocent people! That's not normal Stiles,"  said Lydia. Stiles realised his mistake to late.

"Well that's probably because they are not normal. Their family are the original vampires," Stiles finished. Hoping that it was enough to just cover up for the mistake of telling them to much.

Malia lifted her hand to her forehead and lent in to it as if she was going to fall asleep against it. "Not this vampire business again, Stiles!" She breathed out.

"Stiles does that mean you knew about the supernatural before you came to Beacon Hills?" Scott questioned. Great Stiles thought another hole in the story. His plausible story was becoming less believable each time he spoke.

"Yea maybe," he said sheepishly. "But it was when I was very young, I just though it was some kind of made up memory until lately."

That was plausible enough wasn't it. Stiles had only come to Beacons Hills when Scott started high-school, and after meeting Scott he had decided to pose in the same year as him. Which was lucky that he looked as in he could in fact be that young. No one from Beacon Hills had know him before this, so it could be possible that something like this might of happened in his past.

Stiles was surprised at how easy he found it to lie to people, even his best friends. He could look them in the eyes, keep his voice steady and his heartbeat even. I suppose thats what happens after years of running and pretending to be someone you're not. Stiles thought.

His story had obviously been believable enough because Scotts' face softened before he said, "Stiles you know you could of told us abut this, it wouldn't change anything."

"I realise that now but I didn't think it was that important but I read into abit of their back story. And guys I know we faced a badass alpha pack but these guys are way worse. They are the kind of people you definitely dont want to get involved with," Stiles replied. And at least this time there was some truth in his words, he didnt want his friends caught in the mess that is the Mikealson family. There is always people set on getting rid of the original vampires including his own parents.

"Well fine, but I don't know about you guys but I want to go home," said malia before turning and heading off in a direction that hopefully lead back.

Scott gave a weak smile to Stiles before jogging off to catch up with malia, who was already a good 50m away.

Lydia turned to Stiles and linked arms like they were little kids, before they both started walking off in the same direction as the others.

Scott had said that this didnt change anything but Stiles couldn't help but feel like it had. He could see their trust in him had weakened slightly after the exposer of this secret. Stiles couldn't help but wonder what would happen if they found out the truth.

They made it back to Beacon Hills sometime around lunch, they all returned to their own homes as if nothing had happened and hoped that no one noticed.

But they could of run down the streets scream what happened and all they would of got was a few strange looks. When Stiles returned home, the sherif wasn't even home and there was a note stuck ironically to the fridge saying he was working the night shift and wouldn't be home until the next day.

Stiles worried about him sometimes. Sherif Stilinski was always over working himself to the point where Stiles had to almost threaten him to have a proper meal and a few hours at home.

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