My One

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Today was the day.
The day when hopefully I could escape with Lauren and we'd be happy, together.

But I'm not sure, so many things could go wrong, I mean, what if I don't go? What if he stops us? What if he takes her and leaves me here? What if?

I couldn't stop these thoughts continuously running through my mind, it was as if this didn't happen, my world was over.

I could hear birds tweeting, and see sun glisten into the old room.
I'm not sure what the time was, but by the mist that covers the pale green grass, I presume it is dawn.

"Oi! Get up you fucking lazy kid! We're leaving in an hour! Get your punk ass friend ready too!" Lauren's dad's deep voice echoes throughout the house, booming in every room.

"All you had to do was ask!" I hear Lauren shout, I hear the door unlock and swing open, and there stands lauren.
She breathes a long sigh, and brushes her hair out of her face.
She was wearing shorts, and a lace crop top, I wasn't eyeing up her body, but damn it was fine.
But something caught my eye. Not her figure, not anything like that.
A purple-green bruise. Fist shaped on her stomach.

"Lauren?" I whisper.
"Uh huh." She says, simaltamiously uniting me.
"Sit down please." I beg, concern in my voice.
"Why, come on, we have to go." She hurries, and I can hear the panicky tone in her voice.

A lump forms in my throat, and I find it hard to speak.
I cough, until I finally spit out what I longed to say.
"What's that bruise on your stomach?" I say, looking into her eyes.
"Oh, it's nothing. Just fell over." She nervously chuckles.

The rope drops to the floor, and I sit up from the wooden chair.
My legs ache, and my wrists sore. I shake my body, and run my fingers through my hair.

"Who did it to you?" I ask, intwining my fingers with hers.
It was silent, her eyes became glossy, and her hand shakes.

"D-Daad." She sputters out, until a glossy tear rolls down her cheek.
"Did he do anything else to you?" I ask, looking deep into her hazel eyes.
"He raped me." She spits out, and I can see she was now pushed to her emotional limit.
I pull her into a hug, and run my hands down her back, comforting her I hope.
"I'll sort this out, I promise, I love you."

• • •

Sorry for not updating for so long!
I had to chose GCSE options and had TONS of homework📓
But, I'm updating regularly now, and the story I'm afraid is almost over😱
Then another Carl/The Walking Dead fanfic is what I'll be working on🔫.

~Lauren Riggs

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