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Time skip

Nessie looks about seven? She is a beautiful girl, vampire and human. She has big brown eyes, and long brown hair. I can't help but smile every time I look at her.

Alice walks into the living room in the main level, and the glasses of water fall as she goes into a vision. I flash over to her.

"Alice?" I ask, growing worried.

"The Volturi." She gasps. "They're coming. For us."

I freeze. "Not me."

"No, not you." Alice says quietly. "The rest of us."

"Why?" Bella asks as Nessie plays the piano.

"They think Renesme was bitten." Alice replies.

"But she was born, not bitten." I plead.

"We know that, They don't know that." Alice sighs. "Dean, you and I need to gather witnesses. We will see you buds very soon."

Jasper takes my hand and we go to his truck. We are riding around, finding friends of the family, more of the Olympic coven. Carlisle is off on his own; Esme is with Rosalie and Emmett. Jacob and Nessie are riding with Edward and Bella to Alaska.

"We are going to Ireland." Jasper says. "We need Vladimir."

I smile before Jasper drives us to the Port Angeles airport, and bugs us some tickets and passports to Ireland. I've never been there before.

Vladimir is at the Irish airport waiting.

"Jasper, lad." Vladimir greets Jasper with a hug. "Is this the lovely wife?"

"This is Ruby." Jasper says.

Vladimir takes an eye full in. "Hmm, nice work Jasper. So tell me, what's going on?"

"Bella gave birth while human, Edwards baby." Jasper replies.

Vladimir's face covers in shock. "That is so rare, it barely happens. Wow!"

"The Volturi are coming after us." Jasper says.

"Let me guess; you need the Vladimir." Vladimir says in a conceited voice.

I laugh. "That's exactly how he worded t before leaving the states."

Vladimir smiles at me. "I knew it. I'm in, Jasper, Ruby. Let's head to my place so I can pack some essentials for the road."

"Ruby, dial Carlisle, we have Vladimir."

"Here, use this." Vladimir tosses me a foreign phone. "American phones won't work."


I step outside where the freeze is blowing and I open up the phone. I dial Carlisle's cell number, and I listen to the line ring.

"Hello?" Carlisle answers into the speaker.

"It's Ruby." I say. "Vladimir agreed. He is packing essentials for the trip."

"Good." Carlisle says. "I have Garrett. Edward and Bella just got the Alaskan coven."

"I wonder how Alice and Dean are joking with their witnesses?"

"Have no clue." Carlisle replies. "They don't send updates."

"I'm sure we will here from them."

"Lets go." Vladimir says.

"Gotta go, Carlisle." I say. "See you soon."

I toss Vladimir the phone back and we leave his residence. We find the airport and catch the first flight back to Port Angeles.


Carlisle greets Vladimir while Garrett introducing himself to me. Kate, Tanya, Carmen, and Eleazar introduce themselves to me as well.

"Everyone!" Carlisle yells over the ruckus. "Thank you all for coming together to help us!"

"It was our sister who told." Tanya says. "It's the least we can do."

"When are they coming?" Vladimir asks from a huge rock.

"when the snow sticks." Esme replies. "We must be ready."


I see Benjamin forming a mini dirt tornado in Nessie's hand, taking her attention. I smile at the sight before Garrett pulls me into a tree.

"I like it better up here." Garrett says.

"I know how that feels." I sigh. "I like hanging out on the tree I was pushed off of and killed."

"You're odd, but that's ok." Garrett smiles at me.

We watch as everyone shows their abilities. Bella's a shield; they are all trying to work with her, train her how to use it to protect her husband and child. I see Edward get electrocuted, and he stares at Bella pleadingly.

"This is getting good." I say to Garrett.

Garrett smiles. "Yes, it is."

I fly down. Bella flinches.

"Oh Ruby, I didn't know you was up there." Bella gasps.

I smile. "Come on Bella, try with me. Then try with Edward again. Come on, Kate."

"I'm going full blast."

That's when Garrett hops down to watch.

"Don't hurt her too bad." Garrett says. "She's alright."

I take my ring off and hand it to Jasper, so it doesn't melt or burn, or whatever. Bella focuses on me and I see the blurred shield force cover me and Kate touches me. I feel a pinch of electric, but it doesn't hurt.

"See, now Edward again." Kate says. "Unless you want me to try Nessie."

"Edward will be fine." I say. "Tootles."

Garrett grabs my arm when my ring is on, and pulls me back up into the tree. "That was good, Ruby." 

"Full blast." Kate says.

Garrett and I look down at them, and Bella's shield works.

"I'm going inside." I say. "I believe the snow sticks tomorrow, that's when we meet the Volturi. See you then."

I fly to the ground, and Vladimir actually joins me inside. He loves my old room, so I am stuck in the living room on the second level with Carmen and Eleazar.

"Just relax." Eleazar says to me. "We don't bite, too hard."

I smile. "I hope Aro, Cauis, and Marcus won't hate me for not telling them...."

"They liked to before?" Carmen seems surprised.

I nod my head. "Yeah. The Cullen's left a while back, and I stayed there. They were amazing to me."

"I'm sure they won't hate you." Carmen says. "It's family first there too, isn't it?"

I nod. "Aro adopted me, so I'm his daughter."

"See, he can't hate you." Carmen points out. "You're family, Ruby. Now relax, tomorrow is the big day."

I nod my head as stare straight at the staircase. "I'm relaxed."

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