Piano [One-Shot]

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Once he was in, he looked around again until he saw a grand piano and there was a woman playing it. Sho cannot picture the woman as the piano lid was partly covering her face. He walked to her slowly and silently but the heels of his shoes betrayed him. The woman stopped playing when she heard his footsteps.

The woman looked up to her and Sho suddenly froze on where he was standing. He saw her; eyes full of passion, slightly full lips, and a very warm smile painted on her face.

Sho suddenly feel an electric current running on his whole body. He read a lot of books even if it is a romance genre but he never expected that he'll feel it right now, in this place, in an unexpected moment. To Sho, he knows that she is the woman that you cannot take your eyes off.

The moment when the woman stood up from the piano seat and walked towards him while still wearing that same smile, it brought him back to his senses, atleast. If Sho was an ice, he probably melted because of her warm smile. When Rei stopped in front of him, Sho doesn't know what to do. His heart was fluttering, he admitted to his self.

"Welcome to our school." She greeted and bowed.

"Ah! A..Arigatou (Thank you)!" Sho thanked, stuttering. Inside, he was cursing himself for being like this, like a teenager who just saw his crush.

"I'm Taiyo Rei and I'll be your teacher throughout the month. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Nice to meet you)." She introduced herself and bowed a little.

Sho wanted to jump because he finally knows her name but instead, he remained his composure. "Uhm, Sakurai Sho desu (I'm Sakurai Sho). Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Nice to meet you too)."

"Is it okay with you to start our classes now?"

Without further ado, they started the class. Sho was truly amazed on how she played the grand piano, as if her hands were perfectly shaped by a piano goddess. Rei is a good teacher, Sho could tell because he was learning a lot from her as she tackled the lessons bit by bit. He tried playing Furusato as Rei listened, she was looking down to concentrate with her arms crossed. The music that filled the room engulfed them.

As the classes proceed day by day, they started to develop the feeling for each other just like any lovers that started as friends. It was their break when they went to the park to relax a bit. Few more days, the lessons are going to end soon and Sho doesn't want to go without telling Rei about his feelings.

"Is it the perfect timing?" Sho wondered in his mind as his hands were cold because he was planning to confess. "Anou Rei-san.. I like you. Can you.. be my girlfriend?" Sho has a lot of cheesy words he had in mind but his lips can't even utter it. The struggle is real since he was not a sweet talker.

Rei was surprised by his sudden confession. But nevertheless, she liked how his confession became so straight-forward confession knowing that he can be awkward around women. "Yes."

That's the answer that every person wanted to hear when they confess to someone they love. Sho wasn't kind of man who'll just say sweet things. Instead, he'll do things that you'll know that he's there, he cares and he loves you. He's a guy who takes over the action than the promised words. That's Sho and that's one of the reasons why Rei fall for him too. Rei might look like she was not interested in him, it's just that she didn't want to assume things.

For Sho, she was the perfect woman or maybe his own definition of a perfect woman. The smile, the talent, the personality and everything. He can't ask for more. With that positive response from her, it's not one-sided feeling anymore because the two know that their hearts beat as one.

Sho looked at her with a surprised expression that made Rei laughed because it was epic though it was changed into his trademark toothy smile. He touched both of her cheeks, leaning closer and closer to her face. They both smiled as the forehead touched then slowly, Sho let his lips softly touched hers.

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