Piano [One-Shot]

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Title: Piano

Author: irnsnchz

Length: One-shot

Rating: G

Genre: Romance, Drama

Summary: They both meet and fall for each other because of piano but the fate has a lot of twists, what if when they found that they are brothers and sisters?

Disclaimer: I do not own any members of Arashi. The rightful owners are Johnny & Associates. I only own the plot, original characters and the story.

Author's Note: This is a fanfic of a J-Pop band under Johnny's Entertainment, Arashi. I made this for Arashi Philippines' Sho's birthday fanfic contest. No one beta-ed this so I'm very sorry for some grammar errors since English is not my native language. Kindly tell me my mistakes. Comments, votes, and likes are highly appreciated. Happy reading!

All Rights Reserved | January 2012


Sho was welcomed with good news as he entered his room. He wasn't sure to believe what his manager said because in Johnny's Entertainment, it's not something you can easily have because they're in a very busy business. It might seem impossible but Johnny Kitagawa just gave him a vacation, it's not just a day nor weeks but it's a month. Sho was very happy that it made him speechless for minutes. Every person needs a rest from a tiring job, just like him.

Sho quickly looked for his planner in the bag. Being an organized person, he always write important things in his planner and that helps him throughout his busy schedule. What Sho wanted this time is to enroll in piano lessons. Sho already know how to play piano but he wanted to learn more, especially the Kouhaku Uta Gassen is coming near and he'll going to play their song, Furusato.

After writing on his planner, he shoved out the laptop and opened it. He started looking for school who's accepting piano lessons until he finally found one that was located inside Minato, Tokyo and it was near his parent's house. The website of the school was accepting online application so he was able to booked a one-on-one session for a month. Sho was sure that this vacation will be fun and at the same time, he is going to learn a lot. To be honest, it's been a while since he felt an excitement like this.


Today was the first day of the class. He was standing in front of the three-floor building with black and white facade. If you are going to observe, the building looks like a piano but it was standing vertically. Sho wondered why he was so nervous when in fact, there is nothing to be nervous about however, it was eating him up. He slowly entered the school and he was welcomed with a warm smile from the receptionist, Sho started to ease up a bit from the nervousness.

"Are you Sakurai Sho?" The receptionist asked, making sure if he was the one who booked the classes.

"Ah. Hai (Yes), Sakurai Sho desu (I'm Sakurai Sho)."

"Let's go." The receptionist wrote something from his record book before he motioned Sho to a hallway.

It was like an ordinary school, Sho thought. They passed the sound proof classrooms and he saw some students playing different instruments like drums, violin and guitar through the small windows of the doors. Sho's eyes continued to roam around and he can't keep still. He was like a child in his first day of school.

The receptionist stopped in front of the red door, making Sho stopped on his tracks. The receptionist knocked and called a name. "Rei-san."

The receptionist opened the door and motioned him to go inside. As soon as she opened the door, he can already hear the beautiful music that was playing from inside. The music was making him warm though the room was colder compared in the hallway.

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