chapter 2

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You woke up slowly.
You didn't know where you were.
All you knew was that you blacked out,giant cat,and a pain in your side,neck,and arm.
You sat up slowly and looked at where you were.

You felt a pain in your side and you lifted up your shirt, you saw it was bandaged and you remembered your neck.
You brought your hand to your neck and felt that it too had been bandaged. You knew your arm was also covered up because you felt it.

"Hello?"You called out wondering who helped you and where you were.

You heard footsteps and tried getting off the table where you were.

"Dudes she's awake!"a person said.
"Who's there?"you asked
Then all of a sudden you see eyes. Blue eyes

Then he steps closer to you and you couldn't believe your eyes. In front of you was a turtle..a human sized turtle. You just stared at him. Not scared but shocked. He was wearing an orange mask. You smiled at him.
"Hey dudett my name's Michelangelo. But you can call me Mikey." He said in a cheerful voice.
"Nice to meet you Mikey."You said smiling back.
Then a different turtle came but he was wearing a purple mask. He had brow eyes and you frowned a little bit hoping you can see the green eyes again.
"What's with the face?" A blue masked turtle asked entering the room. Blue eyes
"Nothing" you said.
"I'm donatello but you can call me donnie." The purple one said as he examined your arm.
"I'm Leonardo or Leo. Nice to meet you miss."The blue or...Leo said.

Then all of a sudden Mikey ran out of the room and you were curious where he was going.
You were already standing but your stomach still hurt from the stab. You tried walking but you were stoped by Donnie.
"Um I fixed you up your neck and arm are ok but your side isn't. It was too deep I had to put stitches on so you have to relax for a while." He said
"Oh umm ok I will thanks Donnie."
He just smiled and walked away.
"Can I just ask how you are not freaking out right now" Leo said confused.
You look at him and say"you guys saved me. Plus I've seen worse like that tiger..he was scary and whoever caught me when he pushed me was really the one who saved me but still thank you all."
"Ya we need to talk about that tiger and who cought you is-""here!"Leo got interrupted by the other turtle...whats his name? Oh ya Mikey. He was dragging another turtle and he was wearing a red mask. He seemed tough and looked like he didn't want to be here.
You looked at his eyes and they were green. You smiled at him and he just rolled his eyes and started to walk away but Leo caught him.
"Hold on, you need to introduce yourself." Leo said.
He just sighed and rolled his eyes again.
" Raphael or raph blah blah blah I cought you and whatever. Can I leave now? " he said walking off.
Then you walked up to him as he walked out.
You noticed your surroundings and called to raph.
"Raph" you said. He stoped surprised to hear you.
"What?" He said turning around.
"I just wanted to thank you for saving me." You said
"Ya whatever no problem"he said obviously getting frustrated by you.
You knew he was going to walk off so you did the unexpected. You huged him.
You noticed he blushed a little and saw the other guys looking at you.
You smiled and kinda blushed also.
You let go and turned to the guys who had there mouth opened in surprise.
Leo cleared his throat and said,"so um about the tiger. Was that the first time you saw him?" He asked
"Umm actually..ya" you said
"Did he say anything to you?"
You told Leo about what he had said to you and how the gang,that you just found out is called the foot, had been after you for a while but you don't know why.

"Your being hunted for the gem" Leo said as everyone stared as you two talked back and forth.
"Ya but I don't know what gem, I never had a gem."You said.
"Weird" raph said.
After a while of talking and playing games you were tired and wanted to sit down you saw raph on the couch and went to sit next to him watching tv. You looked at your phone and saw that it was 1:43 am. You had multiple texts from Amanda and you texted her saying you were ok. Then you started to get sleepy and closed your eyes and layed your head on raph shoulder. You can feel him tense up and you knew he was blushing. Then you fell asleep.

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