Chapter 9: Impasse

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Year 2259

Jim strode into the med bay, before he paused and raised a brow.

"I thought I told you to keep them separated?" He questioned Bones while keeping his eyes fixed on the two Augments.

Khan was still standing directly before Asha, though they were no longer touching nor speaking but simply gazing at each other as they appeared to hold a silent conversation.

At Jim's words, Khan glanced at Jim, his face expressionless, as Asha looked over as well while Bones snorted: "You try telling him that."

Bones jerked one finger at Khan, not even looking up from where he was examining Khan's blood as he added: "I happen to like living."

Jim grit his teeth, but strode over to the two Augments. Momentarily ignoring the young woman sitting on the bed, he stopped before Khan as the male turned to face him fully, and Jim demanded without preamble: "Tell me everything you know about that ship."

Khan's expression didn't change as he listed off apathetically: "Dreadnought Class; two times the size, three times the speed, advanced weaponry, modified for minimal crew. Unlike most Federation vessels, it is built solely for combat."

Jim unlocked his jaw with difficulty as he stated darkly, staring Khan in the eye: "I will do everything I can, to make you answer for what you did."

Asha glanced between the two, her expression wary - though she appeared more worried for Jim than Khan – while Khan just met Jim's gaze with an unreadable one of his own.

Jim took a deep breath, before he admitted finally: "But right now I need your help."

"In exchange for what?" Khan countered instantly, and Jim glanced pointedly at Asha.

Khan's eyes narrowed, but Jim stood his ground as he offered firmly: "You said you'd do anything for your crew. I can guarantee their safety. All of them."

He nodded at Asha, who looked back at him thoughtfully while Khan arched one brow.

"Captain." Khan pointed out coolly. "You can't even guarantee safety of your own crew."

The two men stared at one another for another moment, each measuring the other, when Asha touched Khan's hand.

Jim glanced at her as Khan closed his eyes, exhaling sharply and – Jim thought – irritably.

"Miss Sanders?" Jim questioned.

Khan's eyes snapped open as he said coldly: "She was speaking to me, Captain."

"And I was asking if she wished to share it with the rest of us." Jim retorted just as coldly, and Asha almost rolled her eyes. Almost.

Instead, she turned to Jim as she stated seriously: "If you give me your word, Captain, that you will do everything in your power and beyond to ensure the safety of our crew and a fair trial for our Captain," Jim stiffened while Khan pursed his lips grouchily, "then I will assist you in infiltrating the Vengeance and bringing down Admiral Marcus."

"We're not killing him." Jim warned, and Asha pointed out with a raised brow and a meaningful look: "And I never said we were."

Jim paused, noting that she had said 'we' and not 'you'. He examined the young woman for a moment while Khan thinned his lips between them. Jim ignored the male, however, for the moment as he stared into Asha's green eyes that were so different from Khan's.

Khan's seemed permanently cold and calculating, while Asha's were warm and bright – though as Jim examined her more carefully, he became aware that there was a depth in them he hadn't quite noticed before. Or rather, a hint at something more in the warmth of her eyes; a warning at the fire that could burn. A fire Jim wasn't sure he wanted to see if he could handle – which was a first for him in a woman. Then again, this was no mere woman.

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