▪ Chapter 8 ▪

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Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Sorry for the late post! As most of you know, I got to take a trip so I have a bit of an excuse for ten days worth of my absence. But, I'm back! Isn't this great??? *hears the half-hearted cheering*. Internalize your joy then. What do I care?

But, back to this chapter, sorry it's short...it just kinda...ended here. There will be more soon (I hope!).



▪ Chapter 8 ▪

Ms. Day, I am pleased you have accepted my request. Where you would like to meet? I had thought maybe a restaurant might be a nice place for initial contact?


Yes, that would work. I'm free Thursdays and Mondays. What would work best for you?


Perhaps this upcoming Thursday? We could meet at McKee's for lunch perhaps? My treat.


That would be great! I enjoy their food a lot. Good choice. Will one o'clock work?


I will be expecting you. Until then, Ms. Day.


Until then.


"Ms. Day?" A tall, middle-aged gentleman, skin stained a dark tone and eyes shined emerald, rose from the red-leather booth to greet her amid the hum of conversation in the café. Shyly brushing a lock of golden hair from her face, she gave him a pink-lipped smile and held out her hand in greeting.

"A pleasure, Mr. Gul." She responded while he gestured for her to sit opposite him at the slightly rocking table. She sank into the booth, the red leather squeaking when she scooted into the middle. Nervously she smiled at him and folded her hands into her lap as the waitress walked over to them and refilled his cup of coffee and left two menus beside them.

"So, you said you were a cop?" She said, attempting to start a conversation. He smiled and flipped open the menu before responding,

"Yes, I retired a year ago from Atlanta PD. I moved here with the hope of finding a relaxing place to spend my retirement." He gave her a kindly smile, showing lightly stained teeth from too many years of drinking coffee. She laughed quietly, opening her menu as well.

"You've come to the right place. This is a small town where nothing much happens. A few weeks ago, a man was killed and he is still the talk of the town." Laughter touched her face while she remembered her coworkers' conversation just the day before on the subject.

"I heard about that but didn't get that week's newspaper. What do you know about it?" He set aside the menu and leaned his elbows on the table, eyebrows knitted together and lips pressed into a tight line with eyes locked onto the blond opposite the table.

"Well, he was murdered in his home by strangulation. The police thought it might have been a cord of some sort but because the weapon wasn't left on the scene they couldn't be sure. One of the detectives said the death reminded him of several other ones that had been happening over the nation and it's sparked the notion that we have a serial killer."

The waitress returned at that moment and took their orders, paying particular attention to Gul, biting her lip and winking at him as she strolled away, heedless that his green eyes were occupied elsewhere at that moment.

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