Chapter one

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Skye's small hand fit perfectly into Grants slightly larger one. They walked to school like this everyday. Not once did they let go. They didn't dare to. Losing the others presence for just one second was unbearable for them at this age. Their bond was close. Insceprable. 

Grant was one year above Skye, however the bond shared between the two toddlers had been so very tight since they were born. The children lived next door to each other and saw each other ever single day, almost all day. The two enjoyed sleepovers most nights. However their favourite time together was in school, after their parents had left them at the gates. Then the two children had time to bond and do what ever they wanted to do. 

For most young children, school was a prison typed place, being away from their parents for a day. However for these two, 4 and 5 year olds, this was a place to let go of feelings, rules and regulations. A place to have a good time, let go of anger and most importantly be together.

Lunch times, the best time of day. Grant and his young companion, Skye, would sit on the green grass field, eating their ham and cheese sandwiches, laughing and making daisy chains together. They would run round playing chase, Skye would hide from Grant, but her innocent little angel like giggle gave away the tree which she was crouched behind.

Even the teachers could see the bond between the two friends. They could see that if one of them was sad in class, it was because she/he missed the other so much. The proof of them being sad by spending less than 2 hours apart  made them sad, this was true friendship. 

At the end of the day, the two children would skip ahead of their parents slightly, still tightly squeezing each other's hand. On the rare occasion of them going into their own house after school, Grant would bend down and kiss his little friend on the forehead and give her a big hug. Skye would hug him back even tighter than he held her. They were best friends...

This is the first chapter! Describeing the strength of their friendship from the early ages. Hope you enjoy! Please comment your thoughts... 

Thanks from the author Kate xx

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