Prologue: Fading and Falling

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A/n- If you have not played Dragon Age: Inquisition, or indeed if you haven't played anything in the franchise and have by accident stumbled upon this piece, welcome.  I'm afraid if you do have intentions of playing you way through this deep and expansive video game franchise, this story contains many spoilers for you as it is based around the plot of the third game.  However, if you still want to read it, feel free.  It will after all be an epic fantasy, filled with adventure, danger, betrayal, intrigue and romance.


Warmth seeped from the ground into the skin of her cheek, a stark contrast to freezing air that brushed past her face.  In the few seconds of consciousness, she managed after falling from the Fade she glimpsed the tips of shoes, the tips of swords jabbed her back.  Despite her best efforts, she felt the odd green light about her, slipping away.  Dissolving into the intense burning, she felt creeping up her arm.  Someone lifted her from the stone digging into her cheekbone as her mind fell into the darkness.

Ps: I hate to be this person, but I really really enjoy feedback (of course of the constructive kind and not the screaming kind) so if you have anything to say, please feel free to send me a message or a comment.

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