"I think he likes ya Ivy." Ash joked.

I smiled at the bird and he nuzzled into the side of the head, lightly pecking at my ear. His talons stung a bit, they cut through my shirt. But I was tough, I could withstand. I heard a soft slow melody and looked over to where it was coming from. The man with the two dogs was holding a scratchy wood guitar that he probably made himself. He seemed so in tune to the music. His two thin brown dogs were piled at the end of his tattered overalls. One yawned, I could see the back of his large pink mouth. I felt my eyelids flutter for a second, I looked at Gee and he smiled, motioning to his shoulder for me to rest my head. I gladly accepted, resting my head on his shoulder. His angel soft black hair brushed my forehead and I sighed, listening to the slight guitar music over the crackling fire. I laid there for a second and I was about to fall asleep when Sophie's voice rang out over the noises.

"Alright sleepyheads, I have a story that will wake you right up." She began.

I perked up, leaning foreword toward her in eagerness, I saw Gee do the same, his eyes widened in excitement. Apparently Sophie tells the best stories.

"Listen up y'all to this ghostly tale, one day, in the royal kingdom, there was a beautiful princess, she had long beautiful black hair, and young looking features, she waited day after day until her betrothal, and the day she would become a queen. On the other side of the castle however, there was two princes, both waiting for the princess's hand in marriage."

This sounded awful familiar...A certain sister I knew.

"Their names were Cyrus and Ryder."

My ears perked up, this story was about my mother.

"Cyrus was quite handsome, with strong features and short blond hair, but he was also a real snob, always getting what he wanted. Ryder was his brother, he was just as handsome, but in his own way, his features were pointed and he had long dark brown hair. He was very humble, never asked for too much. Of course Cyrus bragged about marrying the princess all the time, but Ryder knew that deep in his heart he would win the heart of the fair maiden."

This story was very interesting, but prissy. I never knew my father had a brother, whenever I mentioned it, the subject was always dismissed.

"Well, day of betrothal came and the princess was forced to choose. She was impressed by Ryder's brains and gentlemanly behavior. Then Cyrus got a hold of her. He was charming and strong and funny, and he won her little heart straight. So she picked him. Something happened inside Ryder that day. No one quite remembers anything, but he just disappeared, never to be seen again. But before the disappearances, Ryder swore that he would get revenge, he swore to slaughter the new king and queen's first born, and to lather the blood on his face as a sign of remembrance. Many people swear they've seen him in these very woods."

I shivered. If this story was about my mother than why wasn't Piper dead by now? She was the first born...wasn't she?

"Ryder is now called by many names, the best of em' being The Woodsman. They swear they can hear a song if they go deep enough into the woods."

And with this she began to sing an eerie tune, very unlike her voice.

"The woodsman, The woodsman

Coming for your life

The woodsman, The woodsman

He bears the bloody knife

The woodsman, The woodsman

He'll kill off all your friends

The woodsman, The woodsman

You all meet tragic ends."

The End. (Gerard Way AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now