Chapter 1 - Cleaning

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Authors Note - Eeek >.< Short chapter, I know, sowwwwy! Well, at least it's something, however short it may be XD Be prepared for things to get slightly... well, you know... in the next couple of chapters c:<Please comment and whatnot, I'll really appreciate it! ^-^ The first comentee will get a dedication in that chapter c;

Levi was in his cleaning uniform, on his hands and knees and scrubbing at the floor, curses tumbling out of his mouth as he worked. All he'd done was deny Erwin that one thing that he would never give him... and this was where he found himself, on his hands and knees and scrubbing away at the disgustingly filthy floor.

Growling under his breath, Levi began to come up with some pretty inventive names for that bastard of a man, pausing to catch his breath from all the scrubbing he'd been doing. If there was one thing about him, it was that he didn't stop doing a job until it was done perfectly... hence why he was still stuck cleaning the first part of the floor after a full two hours.

In nothing but sheer annoyance, Levi hurled the manky, old cloth he was cleaning with to the other side of the room, kicking the bucket over with his foot and watching as the soapy-suds covered the dirty floor. He got to his feet before his clothes could get wet, stalking over to a chair and plonking himself down on it, absolutely fuming. ''F_ck him.'' he snarled under his breath, "F_ck them all.'' he sat there with his head in his hands, staring down at his f_cking brown boots and the f_cking harness that was as uncomfortable as f_ck. He hated it here. And Erwin wasn't the only reason he hated it, either... he hated not having his freedom, he hated being cooped up, forced to abide by the rules or face the consequences. Tugging at his black hair, Levi let out a loud groan, oblivious to Erwin standing in the door-way, an amused smirk on his face as he watched Levi throw a small tantrum.

Erwin's gaze trailed over Levi's small body, his orbs taking in everything about him. Yes, he'd wanted the guy to join the Corps to help them with his amazing talent... but there was something else about him that attracted him... like a bee to nectar. His gaze narrowed as he assessed everything about Levi, his tongue trailing over his lips... and not to only moisten them.

Levi suddenly felt like he was being watched. Not liking the feeling in the slightest, he spun around, sending a full-blown death glare at Erwin, jutting his jaw to the side though his expressions were otherwise blank. Puffing out some air, he raised an eyebrow at him, "Do you want something?" he asked, staring Erwin straight in the eye.

"Quite a lot of things, actually," Erwin said, letting his feet move him inside the room. He raised an eyebrow at the water on the floor and the upturned bucket, "Looks like you had fun cleaning, then. I'm glad you enjoyed it.'' he said, a small smile on his lips.

''What do you want?" Levi asked again, frowning at Erwin and tapping his foot on the floor, his boot making a faint splashing sound in the small layer of water.

"I told you - quite a lot of things.'' Erwin said, chuckling as he picked up the bucket, setting it to the side. All the while, Levi glared at him, assessing his movements and taking in everything that he did. He couldn't help but feel like Erwin was... graceful, almost... the way he moved, the way the words simply rolled off of his tongue... No. He shook his head to snap himself out of it, his face blank once more.

"Like what?" Levi demanded, letting out a sigh in exasperation, "Let me rephrase my question, if I must... what do you want from me?" he narrowed his eyes at Erwin, folding his arms over his chest and letting out a sigh, glancing at the clock as if he was late for something, a bored expression on his face.

"Hmnn..." Erwin murmured, pulling on his chin and looking Levi up and down as subtly as he could, "Well wouldn't you like to know..." he chuckled, stopping little more than a foot or two away from the small, short-haired man, "But if you must stick your nose into other peoples business, and if you must know what I want from //you//... then, Heichou -'' Levi growled as the blonde used his last name ''- ...then you should come by my office after curfew... I'll show you something I have shown few others.''

And with that, Erwin dipped his head into a nod, putting his hands behind his back and beginning to stalk towards the door. He paused, his cape rippling around him as a gust of wind blew through the door, his smirk turning up more on his left than his right, ''Oh.'' he said, realising something, ''And I'd prefer it if this whole room is cleaned before the curfew, too... or I may just have to punish you... and you won't like that in the slightest.'' after that comment, Erwin slipped through the door, letting it close with a soft 'thud' behind him.

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