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©2013 All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from Hannah Kaniewski (forever_lyrical)


            I roll onto my side and burrow my face deeper into my pillow, trying to ignore whoever’s calling me.

            Nina, they say again and I furrow my eyebrows as my fingers curl around my comforter. The voice is becoming clearer as my senses awaken, but it’s not a voice who’s calling me, but multiple voices.

            I crack open my eyes and blink them a few times to clear the sleepy haze, finding myself face to face with my twin sister. She’s still sound asleep, oblivious to what’s going on.


            A click sounds from behind me so I turn around and find my closet door opening slowly, the hinges groaning in resistance. A blast of cold air follows it.

            Icy kisses nip at my cheeks as the wind tugs at the comforter. I grip it tighter; my left hand covering my sister's for reassurance that someone else is here, but she still doesn't wake up and for a moment I wonder why I have to have a twin who’s a such a heavy sleeper.

            Nina, the voices call, beckoning me to them, Nina.

            I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to drown them out and my body trembles. I tug the comforter over my sister and I, trying to create some sort of barrier between us and them.

            God, what do they want from me?

            I plug my ears with my fingers and curl myself into a ball as I try my best to block them out, but I can’t. Their melodic tone seeps through the comforter and my hands and into my ears.


            All at once my body relaxes, their persuasive tone lulling my thoughts and glazing my eyes. The strong wind rips the blanket off of my sister and I, then flutters to the ground. My body shivers as goosebumps crawl up my arms from the sudden depravation of warmth.


            My eyes open and my body feels unlike my own as I sit up, my movements robotic and stiff. My sister shifts in her sleep, her fingers fumbling for the blanket. When they don't findit, she curls herself into a ball and shivers.


            I stand, wincing when my feet make contact with the frigid wood. They smack against the old paneling as I walk towards my closet in a daze, my long brown hair whipping around my face from the wind.

            "Nina, shut the window, will you?" My sister mumbles under her breath as she shifts in her sleep once more.

            I don't respond―I can't  respond as I walk across my bedroom floor. I am only allowed to let tears of frustration and fear stream down my cheeks, the fierce wind causing them to stick to my face.


            I'm almost there.


            My hand reaches for the doorknob, my fingers brushing against the cool glass. My lips are parted and my face is expressionless save for the evident fear in my eyes.


            I grip the glass sphere in my right hand and tug on the door. I can hear music playing; it's faint at first, but grows stronger as I pull the door open.


            I stand in the blinding brightness, the wind hitting me full force as a brilliant white light engulfs me in its warmth. The music pulls me in as the door slams closed behind me.


            And then—

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